Surayya-4/3/09-Materials For The Arts

On Wednesday, Sadie, Maddie, and I went to MFTA, once again.  We left school kind’ve late because of a slight problem, but we weren’t that late.  When we got there we said hello to everyone, I asked where I should drop off my donation, and than we put our stuff away.  Our task for the day was to make shopping easier for the people, as always.  There were piles and piles of paper; the easiest way to transfer it from one place to the other was to roll it up.  We had a system.  Four people were the rollers (Johnese and a volunteer helped also) and than one person was the rubber-bander and the putter-inner, for lack of better words.  Maddie and I were part of the rollers and Sadie put the rubber bands on the rolls, which ended up being a very hard job. It was very hard to make tight rolls because the paper was so strong, which meant that more often than not, Sadie had to stretch the rubber band very wide in order to fit over the roll.

A couple minutes after we started, I got the first paper cut, than once we had made the plan of splitting up the jobs, there were a lot of paper cuts.  Sadie, having the most dangerous job had a band-aid and paper cut on every finger by the time we left, and she didn’t even cover all of them up.  The time always goes by very quickly, but since we were late it went by even quicker.  As usual we had lots of fun and got a lot of work done.


Even when we were finished my work wasn’t done yet.  I brought two manikins and a poster to donate.  I had to do some quick paperwork, but it was worth it, and I will be receiving a thank you letter soon.  So if you have anything you don’t want, but you think someone else might want it, I want you to know that the paper work is very quick, your helping someone else out, and you get a write-off on your taxes.  So you can’t go wrong.

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