Thomas-3/29/09-Irena Selena Interview

On Sunday, March 29, Rene went to interview Irena Selena, creator of the movie Flow and our classmate Lily’s mom.  I had tried to go, however I was returning from my second week of Spring Break in Guatemala.  However, Rene was able to take notes on the questions she asked and how Irena responded.  Here they are:


-Why did you decide to focus your film on water?  6 years. started colecting news artciles of water. one stood out-radio show, robert kennedy jr. riverkeppers. companies dumping chemicals in hundson, came into peopels bodyes.

-What are the 3 main bottling companies? nestle. comes from natural source. coca cola-dasani (filterd tap) dont take it from natural source. treated tap. figi. 

-Why is it better to drink tap than bottled water?  better for body, and inviormentally safe.

How is bottling companies effecting the surrounding people? movement going on. bringing awareness. all around world. eyro. bure drink or pure hype. plastic doesnt get recycled. breast cnacer. sun to bottle damage. 

-What are people doing to stop water from being bottled?  petition, mayors meeting,banning from gornverment places. schools an univerities bahve banned water. london watned to bann in tocmpletel. minister of imvornment. comunities fightibg nestly,

What chemicals are being put back into drinking water?  put into bottled water, from olastic. 

-Is bottled water cleaner than tap?  tap.        

-Where is the cleanest tap water in cortex of the states?  havent been drinking the tap from every state.

-What’s your opinion of bottling local tap water? smart. we’re stupid.

-What’s your opinion on the california drought?  in california are much more aware. they wont be water ing the lawn. 

-How has being environmentally conscious changed your way of living?  after a point in time you start to not htink of it. a man in india saves is wate, in the morining he washes his body, and wrings the towl out to youe the wter again. now i use bio degradable product. like sampoo usedm detergent. tries to minimize unkown chemicals. in india people fed there plant plates to their cows. kept telling us to lower the lights.

-Why don’t people trap their own rain water?  something that existed for humdreds of years. only thing is, you need a system. flushing toilets is flusing clean water.

-Why are big corporations going out of the U.S. to get water?  not american

-Do you think the world will run out of water?  places will have less water, a question of clean water. a question of water that is not poluted.

Think out side the bottle test:  How long it takes a bottle of water to disintegratehow many botles of water end up in land fields.  Garbage pace, 3x sixe of texes ends up in sea ends up in fish.  connection from trowing botle away to its journythink outside the bottle map.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency currently does not regulate 51 known water contaminanone man to regulate every sing bottle of water.  University banning bottled water.  Univerity of toledo.U.S. confrence of mayors.  

We Hope to keep in contact with Irena and learn more about FLOW and why this is such a good topic to focus on in sustaining the earth.    

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