Aaron-3/27/09-Cheryl Blaylock’s Volunteer Garden
On Friday Isabella and I met with named Cheryl Blaylock. Cheryl works with Trees NY and works at a volunteer garden at 83th street and Riverside Drive. We had to move some hydrangea plants from one spot to another. As we worked Cheryl explained what she was doing in her garden. She told us about this giant rock right next to her park,and how she places logs and branches near it to stop erosion. When Cheryl first was given this garden it was over grown now it is beautiful garden. While we were working many people stopped and asked us what we were doing. Cheryl later told us that she gets volunteers by doing this. We had a lot of fun and experienced the day of a gardener. It was a great project and if anyone would like to go help out you can contact me for her information. Before leaving, we asked her to come in and talk to the class, but her schedule could not clear up until May or June. We then realized that would be too late. I think we will be able to process some pictures later that were taken by Isabella’s mom. Our next visit is to the Animal Care and Control Center.