2/6/09-Grand Central Food

Friday was my first day at the Grand Central Food Station. The reason that it is called Grand Central Food is because a woman starved in Grand Central Station, so someone (I am not sure who started Grand Central Food, it could have been Juan De La Cruz) decided to raise awareness by starting the Grand Central Food.  I was a little nervous one the way up because I was going by myself, and I did not know anybody who worked there.  When I got there, there was already a long line outside the building.  I walked inside and I was shown to a small room, where they gave out the food.  I was introduced to everybody, and I started to pack bags, with oranges, bread, soup and milk.  At six o-clock the people came in. They took a bag, a sandwich from another table, and a sweet from one last table.  After about twenty to twenty-five minutes, we had given out food to the main group of people.  There were still some people who came at the last second, but the main rush had past.  At a quarter or ten till seven o-clock, we started to clean up and bring the food outside to the vans.  There were still some people that would come by and we would give them some food from out of the van.  Then at eight o-clock, the vans would close up, and they would bring to food to different areas all over the city.

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