Category: 8th Grade Spanish

24 de enero

Español 8

S8 y M8:

  1. TODOS:  Using research paper outline, begin writing your introductory paragraph
  2. TODOS:  Email me your three research paper choices- Region/City/Culture/Personage:  SPAIN
  3. S8: TODOS: Write summaries of episodes #11 & #12 of La Catrina in your composition books

21 de enero

Español 8



  1. Sage- Do story #13 in preparation for taking story #13 quiz
  2. Eli– Do story #13
  3. TODOS:  Using research paper outline, begin writing your introductory paragraph


  1. TODOS:  Email me your three research paper choices- Region/City/Culture/Personage:  SPAIN!
  2. TODOS: Write summaries of episodes #11 & #12 of La Catrina in your composition books

20 de enero

Español 8

Tarea:  S8

  • No hay tarea PERO Sage- Story #13 and Story #14 corrections & Eli- Story #14

18,19 de enero

Español 8


  1. Estudien el vocabulario de los cuentos 13 y 14/ study the story vocabulary for #13 & #14 FOR A QUIZ

14 de enero

Español 8


  • S8: Please email me your THREE choices of a topic about Spain to research and write a TWO page paper.
  • S8 & M8: In class Friday, you will get the vocabulary list for story #14, El Quijote, and translate it.  You will read the story with a classmate.
  • S8 & M8: DON’T FORGET– you have not had your vocabulary quiz on story # 13.

11 de enero

Español 8


  1. Terminen los ejercicios A, B, C y D de vocabulario en la p. 119 en Cuentos/ finish the vocab ex. A, B, C & D for story #13  on p. 119 in Cuentos
  2. Finish any ex. 94 & 95 corrections

7 de enero

Español 8


  1. Finish your tests using your notes and worksheets.  You may not use the internet and you may not confer/discuss with your classmates
  2. You are still responsible for Parts I, II & III for story #13

5,6 de enero

Español 8



  1. Cuento no. 13 para el lunes/ do story questions- all three parts- for story #13 for MONDAY
  2. Traigan sus apuntes para el presente, el pretérito y el imperfecto/ bring your notes on all your tenses on FRIDAY

4 de enero

Español 8

MM8 y SP8


  • Completen el paquete de la geografía y la historia de España, las Partes A, B, C, D y Parte A/ complete Parts A, B, C, D y Part A of the Spanish geography and history packet

14 de diciembre

Español 8


(old)M8 y S8:  Correct your quizzes, if necessary

(old)M8  y S8: Write your Episodes #9 & #10 summary including:

#9Don Silvestre- poderoso, amenaza a Don Demetrio; Jamie- una amenaza a Don Silvestre, habla a Rogelio; la conferencia de la contaminación

(today)M8:  Answer Parts I & II of story #11

(today)S8:  Fill out story #11  vocab list and read story before class on Thursday