Category: 8th Grade Spanish

3 de marzo

Español 8



  1. Hagan el ejercicio 10, contestando las preguntas del robo/ do ex. 10.  Instead of writing A PARAGRAPH, answer each of the questions following the story, paying careful attention to the tense (imperfect or preterite) of the question and the answers.
  2. Usen la lista de vocabulario/use the vocabulary on the side of the sheet- look up if you don’t know it.

2 de marzo

Español 8


  1. M8: Hagan el trabajo del presente, imperfecto, préterito/ complete the worksheet page: Repaso (Present, imperfect, preterite) for FRIDAY.  Everything you need for the past tenses is in the worksheet.
  2. Also do Parts I & II for story #17
  3. S8:  Completen la historia de la Caperucita Roja/ complete Little Red Riding Hood

el primero de marzo

Español 8


S8: Terminen el trabajo del préterito, mandatos e imperfecto/ complete the worksheet with preterite, commands and imperfect

M8:  Do Parts I & II for story #17

25 de febrero

Español 8


S8: Lean el cuento no. 17 y hagan Parte I

M8: Traigan la comida si quieren

24 de febrero

Español 8

Tarea:  S8- Finish Parts I & III for La Corrida de Toros

  1. We’ll finish reports on Friday- S8: Eli, M8- you know who you are.
  2. If you would like to bring in food from your research/region- please bring it on Friday as well.  Mexican food is NOT Spanish food.

23 de febrero

Español 8


  1. We’ll finish reports on Friday.
  2. If you would like to bring in food from your research/region- please bring it on Friday as well

18 de febrero

Español 8


M8 presentations will continue on Wednesday

S8 presentations will continue on Thursday

17 de febrero

Español 8

Tarea for FRIDAY:

  1. Do you final edits and prepare your oral presentation
  2. I suggest a power point, ten illustrations of your paper topics
  3. Use your text from your paper to explain your illustrations
  4. DO NOT use your whole paper- HIGHLIGHTS, especially those that pertain to our Spain itinerary

Feliz día de San Valentín

Español 8

Tarea para el viernes/ HOMEWORK FOR FRIDAY

  1. Do you final edits and prepare your oral presentation
  2. I suggest a power point, ten illustrations of your paper topics
  3. Use your text from your paper to explain your illustrations
  4. DO NOT use your whole paper- HIGHLIGHTS, especially those that pertain to our Spain itinerary

11 de febrero

Español 8


S8: IF you have handed in your latest draft and Parts I, II & III, NO HOMEWORK

M8:  IF you have handed in your latest draft, and have completed Parts I, II & III, NO HOMEWORK