Category: 8th Grade Spanish

WEEK OF: 18 de abril

M8 & S8:  Wed. 2- 2:45 p.m. in Language Room. & Thurs. 8:30-9:15
1.  The students should translate the Story #21 vocab list for 10 minutes and then stop them and go through it with them
2.  WITH A PARTNER, read story #21.  While they are reading, I want them to look at the Part I questions on p. 65-66 and answer the questions on looseleaf as they read.
1.  Finish Part I questions AND do PARTS A, B & C vocab sections on p.136
2. MEMORY BOOKS with PHOTOS on server by MONDAY, April 25th

S8:  SAME as M8 on WED.  (materials in same folder)

13 de abril

Español 8


  • Complete the story #19 translation sheet, if necessary.
  • Continue to work or your memory books.  If you went to Spain, add at least 20 pictures to the diary you wrote.  You may add more text and photos if you’d like.
  • If you are narrating a family trip, you need the same 20 pictures and about three sentences per picture telling what was going on.
  • DO NOT PRINT your books until I tell you that they are edited,

12 de abril

Español 6


S8:  Answer Parts I & II of Story #19

* If you do the translation for tomorrow I will edit it for you

M8:  Answer Parts I & II of Story #19

6,7 de abril

Español 8


  • You need to have your journal entries for you Memory Book on the server (MS Shared- Language by  by class)so that you can start putting together your book on Monday-  bring computers to class on MONDAY!
  • Put your photos on the server to share

5 de abril

Español 8


  1. Completen las Partes I y II para el cuento no. 18/ complete Parts I & II for story #18
  2. Traigan los diarios/ bring in your journals to edit the last few days’ writing

4 de abril

Español 8


  • Complete your journal, translating the information I gave you (if you were in Spain.)  If you were not in Spain, your book is about a trip you’ve taken with your family!

15 de marzo

Español 8


  • Escriban un resumen de la Catrina:

S8: Episodios 1 y 2

M8:  Episodio 3

14 de marzo

Español 8


  • Escriban un resumen de la Catrina:

S8: Episodios 1 y 2

M8:  Episodio 2

9 de marzo

Español 8


S8 y M8: Hagan A, B, C y D en las páginas 131-132/ do vocab ex. A-D on pp. 131-132 in Cuentos
KYLE:  Do story 27WALLY- Do story 16

8 de marzo

Español 8


  • S8: Hagan A, B, C y D en las páginas 131-132/ do vocab ex. A-D on pp. 131-132 in Cuentos
  • M8: Escriban el esquema para su primer cuento/ write your outline for you first story
  • KYLE:  Do stories 27, 15, 16 & 17WALLY- Do story 16