Category: 6th Grade Spanish

5 de abril

Español 6


  1. Hagan los dos trabajos de repaso/ do both review sheets
  2. Busquen 5 hechos sobre su proyecto/find 5 facts about your topic that you want to explore

4 de abril

Español 6


You are going to be writing a brochure about some aspect of Mexico.  You can focus on a place, city, site ie. Tulum, Teotihuacan or a person or historical event.

Your job is to do some research and come up with three possible topics to present to me on TUESDAY.

14 de marzo

Español 6


  • Study the alphabet- make sure you can pronounce the letters and in words.

10 de marzo

Español 6


  • “Ir ” review– fill in the appropriate form of “to go” on the sheet (voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van)
  • Then TRANSLATE the first three lines of the dialogue on the back of the sheet

10 de marzo

Español 8


  • Lean “Practical Stuff” and “Museums”  en el paquete/read the Practical Stuff and Museums in the packet

8 de marzo

Español 6


  • Escriban 5 preguntas para los otros alumnos/ write 5 questions to ask your fellow students
  • Estudien todos los verbos/ study all your verbs

3 de marzo

Español 6


  • Estudien TODOS LOS VERBOS/ study all your verbs- use your practice sheet for a QUIZ on Monday.