Category: 6th Grade Spanish

cinco de mayo

Español 6

Tarea:  Due MONDAY:

  1. Completen las conjugaciones/ complete the present tense conjugation sheet

2, 3 de mayo

Español 6


  1. Thursday:  your corrections on the graded packet are due
  2. Thursday is “el cinco de mayo”- do you know why it’s a holiday in Mexico?

28 de abril

Español 6


  1. *If you did not hand in your verb packet, please put it on my desk on Friday a.m. or Monday a.m. at the very latest.
  2. If you handed it in- NO HOMEWORK!
  3. ¡Gracias por la comida esta mañana!

26 de abril

Español 6


  1. Terminen la  tarea/finish the entire verb review packet
  2. I have edited your research on the server.  If you wanted to add any more illustrations, do it before Thursday.
  3. You may bring in MEXICAN food on Thursday for your presentations- ex.  churros, salsa, guacamole, totopos (chips), Jarritos (Mexican soda)

25 de abril

Español 6


  1. No hay tarea
  2. I have edited your research on the server.  If you wanted to add any more illustrations, do it before Thursday.

WEEK OF: 18 de abril

Sixth Grade:  Thursday, 9:30- 10-15 a.m. in Lynne’s room
1.  They have a completed worksheet- they should hold onto for Monday.
2.  Hand out the new packet and they should work on it INDEPENDENTLY until complete.  There are texts on shelf,and their workbooks, for reference.
3. HOMEWORK:  1.  Finish packet if necessary  AND   2.  Research and illustrations on server by Monday

12, 13 de abril

Español 6


  1. FOR MONDAY, please type your research facts into PARAGRAPHS and put it on the server- MS CLASS SHARED- WORLD LANGUAGE- L6 or F6
  2. ADD ILLUSTRATIONS to your writing if you haven’t already, also on server

11 de abril

Español 6


  1. Complete “Present” verb work sheet
  2. If necessary, type your research notes in a document so that you can keep adding information