28 de enero

Thank you to all of you and your families who came to the meeting this morning.

If you need the notes, the permission slip or the parent information sheet,please get it from me

EVERYONE- see special note about Don Quijote below.

Español 8

MM8 y SP8

En clase:

  1. Leímos El Quijote, el cuento no.14/ we read “El Quijote”, story # 14
  2. Hicimos los ejercicios de vocabulario,A, B, C  en la página 123 (SP8- ex.)/we did the vocab exercises on p.123, A, B, C  (SP8 did D)


  1. Hagan las partes I,II y III / do story parts I, II & III
  2. NEW:  Follow the link on the voicethread under Don Quijote link from January 26, register and SPEAK!!

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