15,16 de abril

Español 8SC8 y MM8En clase:

  1. Oímos el inglés de la descripción de la casa/ we heard the actual description of the house we illustrated
  2. Leímos otro capítulo, “Mi nombre”/we read another chapter, “My name”

Tarea:  SC8•  Escríbanme la historia de su nombre en por lo menos cinco frases/ write the story of your name- 5 sentence minimum /MM8:  this is due on MondayTODOS: •Have you added your 20 photos illustrating your journal entries?  You must caption your photos in Spanish.  Your final Memory Book (Mi libro de memorias) will have your journal entries divided by captioned photos- printed out.•This is your only homework this week and I want your book on the server in 8th grade Spanish by Thursday so that I can edit the captions on Friday. 

  • SC8 & MM8- bring in your laptops if you wish to do finishing touches in class on Thursday.  We won’t have the computer lab.

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