4,5 de febrero

Español 7

MG7 y VS7

En clase:

  1. Tuvimos la última prueba de vocabulario del capítul0/ we had the last vocab quiz of the chapter in dictation form

Tarea:  Restaurant Skits-  First major workday is FRIDAY.

Assignment:  You and  your group are to write a unified dialogue using as many vocabulary words from the chapter and lists as possible.  You need to make a menu and write out the script.

Has incluído (have you included):

I.  Friends/family talking about their plans:  that they are hungry,  where they can go to eat, what kind of food

II.  Entering a restaurant:
they are greeted by a waiter, they ask for a table for (x) people, near the window, not near the door, kitchen, etc

III.  Ordering:
the waiter announces the specials and the “platos del día” and takes the order; everyone asks for a full meal with drinks, saying what they like/love

IV.  The meal:
chatting about the food, and asking for the things that are missing (ie.  No tengo cuchara para la sopa.  ¿Puede traer una cuchara?)

V.  Paying:
Someone asks for the check, makes sure it is the correct amount; who is paying, how;
who’s leaving the tip

VI.  Conclusion:
Thank yous, farewells, where the people are off to…

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