
1. IRB

2. Peer Conferencing Worksheet Due tomorrow.  Make sure you bring your partner’s essay home.  Remember, you will need to underline certain sections, and it should have plenty of local comments in the margins from your close reading.

3. Good Word Quiz Friday. Words below:

Core A
1. Conscientious – Wishing to do what is right, esp. to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly
2. Irate – Angry or enraged
3. Bloated – swollen or puffed
4. Impassive – not showing emotion
5. Drone – An unmanned aircraft or ship guided by a remote control
6. Elasticity – the quality or state of being flexible
7. Tourniquet – A device used for stopping the flow of blood through an artery
8. Baffle – Totally bewildered or perplexed
9. Aversion – A strong feeling of dislike
10. Duped – tricked or deceived

Core B
1. Inertia – A tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged
2. Welfare – A financial or other assistance
3. Warily – To be always on watch or be cautious
4. Sustain – To keep something going
5. Prolific – Producing much fruit or foliage
6. Duped – Tricked or deceived
7. Coax – To persuade or try to persuade
8. Parley – A discussion
9. Portfolio – A large, thin, flat case for loose sheets of paper such as drawings or maps
10. Scrutinize – to examine or inspect closely

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