Thoughts on a new year

Dear Families:

The start of the year is always an exciting time in the Middle School. Students look older and they move through the building with a sense of anticipation as they consider the new adventures that are about to unfold. While there is much conversation about procedures and organization, there is also an important dialog unfolding about the work to be done this year. Fifth graders realize that this year they will be the ones to build and guide visitors through their Egyptian tomb. Sixth graders contemplate how their Medieval Pageant will be different from previous years. Seventh graders are aware that in a few short weeks they will be in Williamsburg doing research for their Colonial Museum. The eighth graders have already shared their summer Warriors Don’t Cry projects in a moving gallery display focused on the events and themes connected to the experiences of the Little Rock Nine, which will serve as a touchstone for much of their work in humanities this year.

I anticipate a year rich in collaboration between students, students and teachers, the school and homes, and within each of your families. In this spirit of collaboration, we are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening at 6:30PM for our Middle School Curriculum Night. At the event, you will get to meet your child’s teachers who will provide you with an overview of their classes and their class expectations. We hope that all of you will be able to attend as Curriculum Night helps to provide a meaningful frame for the work that we will undertake together over the course of the year. Childcare for this event is available. Please contact Mary Shea at to register or to inquire about the details. Please do not drop your child off on the evening of the event without having first contacted Mary.

Be well,

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