BREAKING NEWS: Class Election Results

candidates by Joel Zigman and Deborah Hodge NEW YORK, NY – The results of Deborah and Joel’s Fourth Grade Class election, held on Friday, November 18th at LREI, are finally in. Weeks of hard work from reporters, poll workers, presidential and vice presidential candidates, and staff have led up to this moment. In a shocking turn of events, with 20 ballots cast, it is a five-way tie between Asher and Avery (“We’re one unit”), Romy and Suko (“If I win you win”), Alden and Bailey (“If I win community is in”), Makeda and Gia (“Homework revolution”), and Miles and Alex (“I’ll run Miles to make you happy”)! “We couldn’t believe it at first,” said head teacher Deborah Hodge. “We recounted the ballots multiple times and every time it was a tie. I’m glad we have a happy ending to this fun and creative project. It could also be considered a beginning!” Throughout this great learning process, thoughtful ideas were put forth. Ideas about more fun, more recess, more time between transitions, fair kickball games, and building a healthy community. The teachers have been listening carefully. “I’m so proud of the passion, energy, and excitement each student put into this project,” said associate teacher Joel Zigman. “Deborah and I are going to do our best to incorporate all of the creative ideas the students brought to us into the classroom routine.” It was clear in the last debate how well the fourth grade students heard each other’s ideas, and how all the ideas complement each other. Perhaps this means it’s better to share ideas and work together as a team. ]]>

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About Mark Silberberg

Mark is thrilled to be a member of LREI's vibrant learning community and is inspired each day by students and colleagues alike. Mark began his formal adult life in schools as a teacher of physics, chemistry, English and an experiential business simulation class in the public schools where he also worked as a school administrator and technology coordinator. For the ten years prior to coming to LREI, Mark was a co-founder and co-director of a progressive K-12 public charter school. When not immersed in things LREI, Mark enjoys spending time with his family and completing sundry home repair projects. He is an avid soccer player and skier and wishes he had more time to play the guitar and bass.

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