Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone, By J.K. Rowling

imgresThe name of the book that I am reviewing is Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K Rowling. The main characters are Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione. Harry Potter lived with his mean uncle, and aunt, with their kid Dudley, before he went to school in England. The main problem is an evil sorcerer, Voldemort, who killed Harry’s parents and he was trying to find a powerful stone. Harry Potter is a boy who d0esn’t get bothered by a lot of thing because he is used to it because of his aunts and uncles.

He thinks the powerful stone is hidden in a mirror but he doesn’t know that the particular mirror only shows your biggest desires in your life. So Harry and his friends tried to defeat Voldemort and they succeeded. The book takes place in their school called Hogwarts.

One interesting part is when Harry, Hermione and Harry found an ogre that was trying to kill them so they made it faint by casting some spells and banging it in the head. There was a teacher named Hagrid and he had a three headed dog. While Harry and his friends were sneaking around the school they found Hagrid’s dog.

The dog woke up which woke up the whole school, Hagrid told Harry and his friends to cast  a spell to sing the 3 headed dog to sleep, and they did. It was really sad when for Halloween and Christmas, Harry’s “family” didn’t want Harry to come home.

I enjoyed the the book because there are so many adventures. I will give it five stars.

Shouldn’t You Be In School?

bdak-square-1536The author of this book is Daniel Handler. The main character is a boy named Lemony Snicket. The main problem is that a villain named Hang fire is causing a lot of problems such as kidnapping, causing fires, and countless deaths. This all takes place in a town named Stained by the sea which was once a beautiful place when the sea was there now the Sea is gone, drained away.

The plot of the book is amazing it is very mysterious because there are unsolved mysteries, joyful because you can really enjoy this book, and entertaining because you can feel like you are right there with them. The main plot is Hang fire’s treachery he has committed countless amounts of crimes and countless amounts of death and fatalities.

The main character makes two very big decisions number one is deciding to stay in Stained by the sea and investigate the number of crimes committed by Hang fire. Number two is being the lead investigator for the sea project. “I elect to keep the sea or it will affect wildlife in a way that cannot be fixed”.

I really enjoyed this book and i hope others do too. The reason I love this book so much is because the book is filled with mystery, adventure, and big decisions. I recommend this book to 3rd grade and above because at some points the book uses big words that 2nd and below might not understand. I personally would give this book a 4 stars out of 5 stars. checkout the website, www.danielhandler.com      


Beyond The PawPaw Trees by Palmer Brown

51DLxrS2iXL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_One of the books I read this summer, is called Beyond The PawPaw Trees by Palmer Brown. It takes place in a magical land, in a magical past. Some of the places in the land that Anna Lavinia crosses include a train, a dessert and a little village. The main characters are Anna Lavinia,  her father, and her Aunt Sophia Maria. The challenge for Anna Lavinia  in the story is getting to Aunt Sophia Maria’s house. To be able to do this Anna Lavinia needs to cross the magical land between her and her Aunt Sophia Maria. Along the way she finds a key that is very important to her family’s story. Another challenge for Anna Lavinia is trying to find her father, who chases rainbows. Anna Lavinia has not seen her father in a long time, and neither has Anna Lavinia’s mother. On her way to her Aunt’s house she encounters a cliff, and she sees a little walled town below. She thinks her Aunt may live down there.

Something that changed the direction of the story the most was magic. Anna Lavinia was stuck at many points and the magic of the world helped her. An example is when Anna Lavinia was stuck at a cliff and she needed to get down to be able to continue her journey to find her Aunt Sophia Maria, and magic (with a little help of her umbrella) helped her float down safely. Anna Lavinia made some very big decisions and explorations. She explored through the magical land which could be very dangerous. Here are two examples from the book, “She thought she would try something else, because perhaps only the stones acted that way, so she opened her carpet bag and  found the fat woman’s tea cozy and tossed it out beyond the cliff. The tea cozy was so light it would not go dawn at all. A jar of pawpaw jelly went down well, a little slower than the stones.”  Another example is “Then she took a deep breath and jumped of into the air… Gathering her things together, Anna Lavinia commenced walking towards the strange walled town, which seemed to be farther than it seemed from the cliff.” Anna Lavinia’s challenge of getting to her Aunt Sophia Maria, gets resolved and makes it there safely with three new friends, a camel, a parrot, and the “thobby”. But will she ever find her father?

I enjoyed this book a lot. I liked this book because it is very descriptive. For example, when she gets to the little village, the author describes what the village looks like very well. I also liked it because I read another kind of old fashioned book called Pippa Passes (I also recommend it) and it was very good so I tried another old one. The last reason I liked this book was because I tend to like magical realism books because I can relate to the realism part, and the magic give it a fun twist. I think a reader who likes old fashioned books and magical realism will like this book. I think this because as I said before this is a magical realism book, and it is old fashioned. This was a great book. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars! *****



Liesl and Po

Liesl & Po  is a adventurous book by Lauren Oliver. The book takes place in the underworld and on Earth. This book is about a girl named Liesl she loves to draw. Liesl’s problem is her dad just died and she’s locked in her room in the attic, and she is bored.  In the attic she was ambitious when she asked a ghost to find her dad. One night a ghost comes to see Liesl to see her draw. But she was too sad to draw that night. That’s when the story begins.

But this draws two boy’s attention to Liesl, an assistant for an alchemist and boy named Po who happens to be the ghost “Can you find my dad?” Liesl asked, Po said, “Yes in return for a drawing.” (You will find out more if you read it). The assistant alchemist  falls in love with her. Liesl doesn’t find out for a while. When Liesl finds out it gets more dangerous because the assistant is carrying a package that may or may not go to into the right hands. (That package has a lot to do with magic).


I enjoyed this book alot because it takes you on a wild story. It also has some romance. this book makes everything more strange about  ghost. I would rate this book  . This book is good for you if magic is what you want.



The Humming Room


The Humming Room by Ellen Potter.The main character is named Roo. She’s a thief that steals but is also very nice and shy. Roo is a loner she never really meets anyone. So she doesn’t trust people very much until she gets to know them. The setting is an interesting village which is pretty strange.


Roo then meets a girl her age – I think she’s named Violet. Violet  try to make Roo clean and giving her food. Roo’s problem  is a mystery with Violet. Theres also a ghost story that I think is interesting. Also when Roo meets Violet. Roo Said  “no” to Violet  when she’s meeting Violet.


I really enjoyed this book because Roo’s personality fascinates me. If you have ever read The Secret Garden and liked it you would like this book. I recommend this book to for 3rd to 5th graders.I rate this book   stars.


Secrets of Shakespeare’s Grave by Deron R. Hicks

by Jack

What I liked about Secrets of Shakespeare’s Grave was that it was a mystery. I liked that when I thought something good was going to happen it didn’t.


I thought this book was really well written and I enjoyed it.


My favorite character in Secrets of Shakespeare’s Grave was Julian Letterford. I liked him because he started the whole mystery, and he would quote Shakespeare in parts of the book. He was smart, and funny, and really nice in the book.


I would give this book four out of five stars because it was a really good book, but the book could’ve used a couple more pictures and a little more action.


I am excited to read the second book because the first book was really exciting and that the first book left me at a huge cliffhanger.


Secrets of Shakespeare’s Grave takes place in Manchester, Georgia and England and Stratford upon-Avon. This book is exciting, and mysterious! I would recommend this book to kids from ages 8+.

Pish Posh, by Ellen Potter

I read Pish Posh, a book by Ellen Potter. The main character is Clara. She is eleven and has her own apartment because she’s rich. But a girl named Annabelle tries to steal from her. What do you think Clara thinks about that? Meanwhile she was still working at Pish Posh, her parent’s restaurant. Thinking about Dr.Piff  someone she met who is very mysterious. You will find out more about Dr.Piff if you read the book yourself.

I would rate this book five stars out of five.This book would be good for 3rd and 4th graders.