This book is called Better Nate Than Ever by Tim Federle. The main character is Nate (Nathan), who is short and small with a horrible home where he’d be fine being anywhere but his home with his family. The setting of this book is in modern times so about 2013, in Pennsylvania and New York.
Nate wants to run away from home to go on Broadway because his parents are horrible and the don’t care about him at all. His best friend Libby Marshall helps him with training for Broadway. When he gets to New York, he realizes that he is homeless, but out of the blue comes Aunt Heidi, his mother’s long lost sister, who had had a big fight with his mother and had run off to New York. When Nate needs someone to vouch for him she comes and vouches for him.
I enjoyed this book because I liked the characters. I liked the characters because they were funny and complicated. I would recommend this book to people who like acting and to see personal problems resolved because that happens a lot in this book. I would rate this book 3 out of 5 stars because it wasn’t has hooking as some other books I have read.