This book is in the City of Ember series. It is about a boy named Doon Harrow, and a girl named Lina Mayfleet. They go on all sorts of adventures. They live in the City of Ember. It is always dark and there is a shortage of light. There is a system of pipes called the pipeworks that leads to the generator. They are very complicated. The generator is what powers the lightbulbs in Ember. Lina thinks that there is a City of Light somewhere and she sets out an adventure with Doon.
Lina Mayfleet is brave, determined, and smart. She is brave because she went on the adventure to find the City of Light. In the book, it says: “As far as anyone knew, the darkness did go on forever. Still, Lina wanted the other city to exist.” She is determined because she did not give up on the adventure. In the book, when Lina and Doon receive a secret message and they can’t entirely understand it, Lina keeps on trying to decipher the code. She is smart because she found her way through the pipeworks without
getting lost.
Two interesting parts of the story were when Lina got the job of pipeworks helper and Doon really wanted that job. Then, Doon got the job of messenger and Lina wanted that job. Then they traded jobs. Also, it was interesting when Lina finds the secret message and she tries to decipher the code. This is interesting because it kept me on my heels and I was kind of nervous.
I really enjoyed this book because it is really mysterious and full of adventure. I really like suspense. I would recommend this book because if you like suspense, action, and challenging reads, this is going to be the book to read. This book has its own movie, and it (and the book) are very unique because there are not many books or movies that I know like this book.
I would give this book a four star rating because I’ve already read this book before I wrote this review, and nothing gets in their way for more than a few pages.