Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

  The Phantom Tollbooth is about a kid named Milo who travels to a different dimension with a tollbooth. And he goes on a mission with two new friends that he makes in his travels. They are going on the mission to find Rhyme and Reason who are two sisters who used to fix every problem between the two kingdoms Digitopolis and Dictionopolis. They got taken away and put in a castle in the sky and Milo and his friends had to find them.


Milo is daring, brave and adventurous. He is daring because when he was willing to go on a mission to find the two princesses Rhyme and Reason. An example of when he is brave is when he encounters demons in Digitopolis and he outsmarts them. Milo is adventurous because in the book he goes on all of these missions in the new dimension.  


My favorite part of the book was when Milo, the Humbug and Tock the dog got into Digitopolis after their long hard journey. It was my favorite part of the book because it took them so long and most of the book to get there and it sort of felt good when they got to the destination, but that was not the end of the story. Also, I really liked when Milo, the Humbug and Tock rescued Rhyme and Reason because their escape was really cool and the two cities Digitopolis and Dictionopolis came to agreement for once. My favorite quote from this part of the book is when Milo says, “We’ve come to rescue you both,” Milo explained very seriously, “And the worried demons are close behind.” said the Humbug, still shaken from his ordeal. This was exciting because it explained why they were in a hurry to rescue them.


I liked this book because it kept you very eager to read. My reasons are almost every chapter ended in a cliffhanger and there were a bunch of different stories and every character had a different unique personality. I would recommend this book to people who like adventure because it has a lot of action and cliffhangers.It does not remind me of any other thing because they use really sophisticated language and words that don’t make any sense that I have not seen in other books. I rate this book four stars because it was really good but I am a picky critic.


Warriors Into The Wild, by Erin Hunter

 This book was written by Erin Hunter.  This book is mainly about wild cats that are in different clans fighting over territory because they do not want food stolen from them and they want their hunting ground. There are four clans, WindClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and the one the book is focusing on, ThunderClan. The main characters in the book are Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw. They are all in the ThunderClan. The book takes place in a forest. It does not say the time period.

Firepaw was brave when he drove the ShadowClan leader, Brokenstar out of the Shadowclan territory. An example of Firepaw being smart is when he had to figure out an idea to get Ravenpaw to safety. Firepaw was caring when he took down a ShadowClan warrior but when the ShadowClan warrior was hurt he gave her a rabbit to eat to replenish.

An interesting part of the story was when ThunderClan recruits Firepaw from his two-leg home which is what they call humans. This was interesting because Firepaw is really surprised and honored to be recruited. A very exciting part in the book is when no one can figure out who killed Redtail. In a conversation with Ravenpaw, Firepaw says, “If Redtail killed Oakheart, who killed Redtail?” This is an important part in the story because it is one of the main mysteries. In this quote Ravenpaw told Firepaw the real story and the person who killed Redtail found out that the cats knew about his crime.

I would recommend this book because it keeps you reading. I was literally attached to the book! There is nothing really similar to this book. I think that because it is a book which is so good no one could write as good of a story. I would rate this book 5 stars.I chose this rating because it is a book with all the elements, action, drama and adventure. Overall, I think THIS BOOK IS GREAT!


Wayside School Is Falling Down, by Louis Sachar


This series is called The Wayside School. But I am focusing on one of the books called The Wayside School Is Falling Down. The author  of the book is Louis Sachar. The book is really funny.  If you want to laugh read it. It is about a school called The Wayside School and their school year. There is no main character because it switches the perspective of the different students. The book does not tell you where it takes place but don’t let that make you not  read it.

All the characters have different personalities. Like one of the characters named bebe is really funny because she pranked the teacher by putting a dead rat in her desk. She also is a good drawer she drew 1,000 planes. She is really self conscious because she lost her two front teeth and she says she is not cute any more.   Also my favorite character, Calvin got a potato tattoo on his ankle! Who would do that? He is very clumsy because he knocked down his fish tank and the by accident he swallowed a fish!!!!

One of the most interesting parts of this book is when sharie brought in hobo Bob for show in tell. I found this part interesting because it is sort of pointless and funny. Also Hobo Bob does not wear socks because when he was younger he won a spelling bee without socks on. And now he says it is a good luck charm. I have a question for him, if you have good luck why are you homeless?

This book is similar to the series My Weird School for two reasons.One is that the art is the same. Secondary, they are both really funny. I rate this book four stars. It is a good quick read. Read it!   

Holes by, Louis Sachar

This book is about a boy named Stanley Yelnats. He was accused of  stealing shoes. He went to court and the judge said to Stanley, “You can go to jail or Camp Green Lake,” and Stanley chose Camp Green Lake which is in Texas. Camp Green Lake is a place where bad children stay to learn how to be civilized people. While Stanley is at the camp, he has a lot of work and punishment. At camp they had to dig one hole a day. I really liked this book. This book is a long read and you get a lot out of it.

Stanley is a sensitive and kind person. He helps others and treats them nicely. He is nice and helpful because he helped someone read and write at Camp Green Lake. He is not like one of those bad kids. He is the only kid at camp who writes to his mother. I think he is the only one who writes to his mom because he is sensitive.

I found it the most interesting when Stanley and his friend Zero find something special. I think it is interesting because they are so shocked and happy. Also when Stanley and Zero get in trouble it is interesting because it is action packed because they go on an adventure.

The book keeps you wanting to read. I think it was my favorite book I ever read. There is no book like it and it is amazing. The book is fun and exciting. The book tells you the “hole” story of how Stanley got there. There is also a movie! My rating of the the book is  5 stars. Read it!





On The Court With Kobe Bryant By Matt Christopher

On The Court With Kobe Bryant

  He went straight to the NBA and  was an player Amazing in high school. It took him a long time to decide what to do and he decided to go straight to the NBA. I find that interesting  because almost every basketball player plays in college also he was a good student. He had a rough beginning of life. But he turned his life around. He was one of the best basketball of all time. The book tells you how he became an all-star it also tells you about his childhood. he is my favorite basketball player of all time.