Half Magic by Edward Eager

The title of the book that I read was Half Magic and it was written by Half_MagicEdward Eager. This book is about Jane is roughly fourteen, Mark is roughly twelve , Katharine is definitely nine and Martha is I think five or six. All four of them are siblings.They find a coin but no ordinary coin, it can grant wishes but only by halves. An example of this is, if you where to wish that you were in China you would only go half the way there! There are so many settings in this book but the kind of main one is the house. I think it takes place in the 19 hundreds because of their cloths. And the vehicles.

I would describe Jane as fierce, kind and scared. I think Jane is fierce because she never gives up and always protects her family. I think Jane is kind because she is always nice to people no matter what. I think Jane is scared in an emotional way not like scared of a monster or something. I think this because she is scared about what is going to happen next in her life. Some parts of the book that I found interesting were when Jane found the coin. I found this interesting  because right then you knew that the adventure would start and you fest exited. Something else that I found interesting was that the mom experienced the magic too. That was interesting because in most books the moms do not experience what the whole book is about. Like in some of the Harry Potters she just hears about what is happening and is not in the whole seen but in some books she is but that is just my opinion.

I enjoyed this book a lot because it is very exciting and you never know what the next disaster will be. I will recommend this book to people who likes fantasy. I also recommend this book to people who like history and knowing what is going to happen in the future. It’s kind of like seeing the future and maybe predicting it. Some other books and authors that write like Edward Eager is an author named Roald Dahl. I think this because he kind of writes like Edward Eager. I think this because there style and stories are alike and their pictures are a little alike. I would rate this book five stars and it is an awesome book!


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