A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning By Lemony Snicket



“A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning” is about the three Baudelaire children: Violet the eldest, Klaus the middle child and the baby Sunny. Their parents had died in a fire and they went to live with a horrible man, Count Olaf. Since the Baudelaire parents had a lot of money, Count Olaf wanted it but Violet hadn’t come of age yet and when she comes of age it will be hers. I think the time is about year 2007 because it seems modern but not as modern as 2017.


I think that Violet is smart, inventive and protective. I think she is smart because she has read a lot of books and she likes to build machines. I think she is inventive because when her sister gets trapped she makes an contraption  that makes her go up and save her. She is protective because when anything happens to her siblings she always protects them in different ways.

The quote I think brought together the whole story was when Klaus said “you can’t marry my sister!”.  I thought that brought together the whole story because Count Olaf wanted to marry Violet so he could get hold of the Baudelaire’s fortune. I think an interesting part is when the banker, Mr.  Poe,  tells the kids that their parents died. Another interesting part is when Sunny bites Count Olaf’s finger.

I did enjoy this book because it is so unique. I would recommend this book if you like realistic fiction. This book only reminds me of the movie and the Netflix series A Series of Unfortunate Events. I would give this book five stars because it is amazing and it is not like any other book I have read before.  




4 thoughts on “A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning By Lemony Snicket

  1. Love your review! I haven’t read this book, but I have watched the Netflix show. I think your review is very detailed and I like how you described Violet. By the Netflix show, I know that Violet is very, very protective, like you said. I have wanted to read this book for a while, but now I want to read it even more.

  2. I adore this series, and I’m glad you found it. Are you planning on reading all 13? I have started to watch the Netflix series as well, and I think it does a good job of getting the spirit of the books across.

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