Final book review!
Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson
harry’s perspective
Harry’s perspective
Once far away from the Muggle world in front of the Hogwarts Express Harry was checking to see if he had everything he needed, when he heard Ron yell “Harry wait up, Hermione is still packing her books” “You know her.” When Hermione finally joined them they boarded the Hogwarts express and found a compartment to sit in. “Ron!” said Hermione Just as they got into their compartment “You almost forgot your arithmancy book.” “Hermione” said Ron “It’s not like I’ll be using it ever again.” “He does have a point.” said Harry. “Well What if you forget a spell What will you do to remember it.” “Oh I won’t forget any arithmancy spells besides when will I ever need one.” said Ron “You never know.” said Hermione. The rest of the ride felt too short. When the Hogwarts Express stopped in station 9 3 Quarters Harry said goodbye to Ron and Hermione and got ready to walk home (the Dursleys had told him that they didn’t want to “waste” gas). It was a hot June afternoon it
was drizzling a little. As he walked out of the station he tripped over someone’s foot.
Percy’s perspetive
“Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to trip you.” said percy “It’s okay.” said the stranger “What’s your name.” asked Percy “Harry.” said Harry “I’m percy nice to meat you.” said percy “nice to meet you too.” said harry. “Where are you from?” asked Harry. “It’s kind of complicated” said Percy “My moms from New York but my dad is Poseidon greek god of the sea.” “ ha ha sure and my dad’s Zues. gods don’t exist.” said Harry “No I’m serious you want me to prove it here’s proof.”Harry stops feeling rain he looked up and saw they were in a bubble of water . “Okay I believe you!” Harry said
Harry’s perspective
“Can you keep a secret.” asked Harry “Yeah” said percy “Okay then” “I’m a wizard.” said Harry “Wait really.” said percy “Yeah I am.” said Harry “So what’s with that scar on your forehead” said Percy. “Oh this said percy it’s a mark Voldemort gave me.” “Voldemort?” asked percy. “Voldemort is the most powerful evil wizard in the world.” said Harry “Oh” said percy “So he’s like Cronos for wizards.” “Cronos?” said Harry “He’s a titan who tried to destroy the world.” “Oh.” said Harry “Oh shoot I’m going to get home late it was nice meeting you!” said Harry “It was nice to meet you too bye!” said percy.
I liked how they did not hate each other.
Is this a real book?
What book did you read? I like how you gave an introduction instead of just straight away showing that they met. Awesome book review!!!!! 🙂 : ) 🙂
you have the perfect mix between these two great books! I really loved the humor and the way they met. You are so creative. That was a really, really good story you wrote. This was a great combination of books and you inspire me to write something close to that one day.
You wrote Harry’s perspective between Harry’s picture and Percy’s picture.