The Name Of This Book Is Secret By Pseudonymous Bosch

I am reading a book called This Isn’t What It Looks Like by Pseudonymous Bosch. It has two main characters, one named Cass, who is a survivalist, for example she keeps shovels in her school backpack  just in case a blizzard comes and She

Unknowngets covered in snow. There is another main character named Max-Ernest who is super smart and talks really fast, like when someone says something that is not accurate, he goes crazy and corrects it. The author of this book chooses to keep where this book takes place a secret, but it is sort of part of the story.


This book is about Cass getting in a coma. She does not get in a coma for normal reasons like being stressed, she gets in a coma because she ate a piece of chocolate that brings her back in time. This chocolate was made by a world famous evil chef.  This chocolate is supposed to help her find out “the secret” but stuff start to go not so much as planned. Max-Ernest learns that he is not allergic to chocolate and eats a little bit too much. It said in the book “Max-Ernest felt the need to eat 7 chocolate bars.” So now you get an idea of how much chocolate Max-Ernest was eating. This book also is about Cass and Max-Ernest trying to keep some “people” from finding out the secret, because the secret is a little bit too powerful for the “people” to handle.

I really liked this book because it is very mysterious, and every five minutes I almost fall out of my seat because something really unexpected happened in the book that changes the whole story. I rate this book five stars because it is surprising and I like that about it. I recommend this book to people who like being surprised because this book is very surprising.

3 thoughts on “The Name Of This Book Is Secret By Pseudonymous Bosch

  1. The plot of this book sounds very complex. Does Max Ernest eat the chocolate in order to help Cass? That connection is a little unclear in your review. I wonder what the secret is…

  2. This sounds like a mysterious book and I want to know what happens next once Cass eats the chocolate. What if Max-Ernest eats too much chocolate and did not realize its evil chocolate and since he eats more than Cass maybe he’ll go even more back in time than Cass does? This was a really good book review! Now I really want to know what happens next!

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