Pinyin Practice

Four Tones

a, o, e, i, u, ü

Listen to Track 02 and write down what you heard.

b, p, m, f      d, t, n, l     g, k, h

Listen to  Track 16 and write down what you heard.

j, q, x

Listen to Track 18 and write down what you heard.

zh, ch, sh, r

z, c, s

Listen to Track 28 and write down what you heard.

ai, ei, ui

Listen to Track 37 and write down what you heard.

ao, ou, iu

Listen to Track 41 and write down what you heard.

ie, üe, er

Listen to Track 46 and write down what you heard.

an, en, in, un, ün

Listen to Track 51 and write down what you heard.

ang, eng, ing, ong

Listen to Track 56 and write down what you heard.

ia, iao

ian, iang, iong

Listen to Track 61 and write down what you heard.

ua, uo, uai

uan, uang, üan

Listen to Track 66 and write down what you heard.

y, w

Listen to Track 35 and write down what you heard.





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