LREI Athletics

Please follow the links below for information about:


Director of Athletics
Peter Fisher

For up-to-date locations as well as game and practice schedules, please call the LREI Sports Hotline 212.477.5316 x 494

To receive timely updates about changes to the athletic schedule: In order to make sure that you receive timely notifications about changes to the practice or game schedules, we have created an email list that we will be using to provide these updates. If your child participates on an LREI athletic team, we ask that you go to where you will be able to subscribe to the list. The instructions are posted on this page. After you subscribe, you will receive a confirmation email and instructions for how to reply. This email will be followed by a welcome email that will give you additional information about the list. Please note that subscribers to the list will not be able to post to the list. The list is for information distribution from the school. If you need to respond to an update, please respond directly to Peter ( These updates will also go to coaches who will include this revised information in subsequent emails to their team lists. When you receive an email from this list , the subject line will indicate the group for which it is intended (e.g., [LREI-Sports] HS Baseball). If your child is not a member of the indicated team, you can delete the email without reading it.

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