Category: 5th Grade HW

Fifth Grade Homework Assignments

Due Tuesday:

  1. Play the 4-in-a-row game twice with a parent.  Remember – do not label the lines, you should do it by memory.  This time, cross out the angle measurements and put zero in a different place!
  2. ACE #3-9 on pages 41-42 (in journal)

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Finish investigation 2.1 – the one we started in class.  Do all parts (A, B and C) in your journal.  Be sure to include arrows that show the direction of the turn for each angle.  Sketch the angles and write their measure in degrees.



Use this link to create a tessellation of regular polygons.  You can use 2 or more different polygons.  Your tessellation should be a repeating pattern that could continue forever.  Which polygons fit together?

Use a screen-shot to capture your design and either send it to yourself to print at school or print it at home. (on a Mac, apple-shift-4 to capture, on a PC hit the PrScr – print screen – button and then Ctrl-V to paste it into a document)


Do ERB practice number 6.  If you were in math seminar, you must do number 5 also.  Time yourself – ten questions should take you five minutes.  We will check the answers to number six in class tomorrow.