Category: 5th Grade HW

Fifth Grade Homework Assignments


Due Tuesday:

Finish parts A & B of problem 1.4 – Comparing Classes.

Answer the questions in your journal.  Remember to restate the question, include and show all your calculations and be neat and organized.  Imagine re-reading your answers with your unit book closed – do your answers make sense on their own?


Due Monday:

Fourths Challenge:

Divide the grids on your worksheet into four equal parts.  Do this in as many different ways as possible.  The pieces don’t have to look alike as long as you can prove that they are all the correct (equal) size.  Also, you can’t use curves, but you can draw lines along the diagonals.  Good luck! Have fun!


In journal: 

ACE #3-6 and 13-15 (on pages 12 and 14)

Remember: your fraction strips are not the same size as these “thermometers” – if you want to use the fraction strip method, you need to make ones that are the correct size.  You can also use the mark-and-slide method!




1.  ACE #1 on page 12 (in the new book).  Remember your good HW habits – be need and use complete sentences.

2.  Practice Set # 15 (only 10 questions – remember that the slash means divided by)

  1. 38 x 94
  2. 283 x 5
  3. 26 x 339
  4. 126 / 8
  5. 355 / 21
  6. 703 / 15
  7. Find the GCF of 300 and 54
  8. Find the LCM of 12 and 80
  9. Find the prime factorization of 420
  10. Find the factor pairs of 420


Unit Test Tomorrow. 

Study for at least 15-30 minutes and get plenty of sleep! :)  Also, since several of you asked, I added “Angle Kung Fu” to the games page so you can find it any time.