Category: 5th Grade HW

Fifth Grade Homework Assignments


We started a new unit today about 2D geometry called Shapes and Designs .

For Wednesday:

  1. Re-read the unit introduction with a parent.
  2. Cut out shapes from blue shapes set and glue or tape each one on to its own index card.

Here are the  from class about polygons.notes


Study for 15 minutes each night for your Prime Time unit test on Friday.

Use the strategies we talked about in class:

  • Use the study guide to test yourself about what you know and don’t know.
  • Review old homework assignments and re-do any problems that you got wrong the first time.
  • With a friend, make and trade quizzes.
  • Do ACE questions from the book.
  • Ask a parent to write a problem for you.
  • Remember to focus on the things that are tricky for you, not what you already know well.

You will have the whole class to complete the test on Friday.  It will cover factors, multiples, primes and squares, factor pairs, prime factorization, cycles and sharing problems, GCF and LCM – everything we studied in Prime Time.


ACE #19-24 on p.57 – Use prime factorizations to find the GCF and LCM.  Look back at your notes and examples we did together to help you. Due Wednesday.

UNIT TEST on Friday

Your test will include questions about concepts we have studied since the beginning of PrimeTime.  Do a little bit of review every night.  Use this study guide to help you.



ACE # 4-11 on page 56 (in journal)

Do a factor tree for each number and record the prime factorization string.

Math seminar students – refer to the notes I gave you in class.  Ask a classmate if you need help.



Practice set #9 on loose graph paper.  (One digit per box, skip 3 boxes between problems, check answers with a calculator.)

Keep brainstorming facts for the page about your special number in your journal.  This is just a draft – you don’t need to start typing.