
 Today we had an introduction to fractals.  Fractals are infinitely detailed and they are self-similar (made of small copies of themselves).  Here are the links to the videos we watched:



The Mandelbrot Set is a complex fractal.  We’re starting with a simple one – Cantor Dust.  The procedure for creating Cantor Dust is to remove the middle third of each existing segment.  Then repeat.  Let’s call the length of the original ONE UNIT.Cantor Dust - The first several stages

Your HW for November 8th:

  • Make a table (neat & ready to be handed in) of the cantor dust through the first eight stages.

The headings of your table should be:

Stage / Number of segments / Length of each segment / Total length

For stage 1, for example, the number of segments is 1, the length of each is 1 and the total is 1.

For stage 2, the number of segments is 2, the length of each is 1/3 and the total is 2/3.

Make a note (mentally) of any patterns you see and be ready to talk about them.

  • Imagine what would happen if the iterations continued to infinity.  What would the fractal look like? How big might it be? Write a few sentences about your ideas.

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