Our Expectations

Please review the following expectations and make sure that you understand them.

  • Always respond to a prompt thoughtfully. Use direct evidence to support your response if it is required. Proofread and spell-check your work. Use complete sentences and refrain from slang. Remember, you are being graded on your contributions to the blog.
  • When you are writing on the blog site, you must always use your own email address. Be sure that each entry is written by you and attributed to you and you alone.
  • Never use inappropriate language! Remember, this is a shared seventh grade site that teachers and students will be visiting and contributing to daily.
  • Be sure that you are responding not only to a teacher’s prompt but ALSO to the comments that appear on the blog by other students. A response that is a 4 (exceeding grade level expectations) is one that not only addresses the teacher’s question but incorporates and builds on the ideas of other students who have already responded. A 2 or a 1 response neglects to address the comments of classmates.
  • Be insightful! Be critical! Be smart! But above all else, be considerate and thoughtful in how you address your classmates. No put-downs, no name-calling, and no inappropriate or disrespectful comments. You’ve heard us use the phrase “constructive criticism” in class discussions. It is even more important you use the same etiquette online, especially because your comments will be open to the entire community.
  • Infractions of the above rules will affect your grade and may result in a conversation with your parents.

Matthew Rosen and Elizabeth Simmons

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