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Envisioning example

Text: “The cardboard in my shoe got soggy and started to fall apart.”

New part: “I feel wetness start to spread over my sock. The cardboard gets mushy-feeling, like soggy cereal.”

(By Sofia)


Envisioning directions:

Choose a part of the story that’s meaningful.  Step into the story and write lines that you think could fit in that section.  Pretend you’re the author and add details, such as what else the character might feel, see, hear, wonder about, etc. (Add more than just one sentence!)


Text: “Our trip to the dump was always an adventure.”

New part: “You never knew what you’d find.  I’d hoped to find dollar bills or something expensive but it’s all junk.  I’ve found some small parts of broken toys. The dump is also scary.  I’ve seen a few rats crawling around and chewing on anything they could find. ” (written by Amalia)

Reflection Prompts for The Breadwinner post-its

Finish these prompts in “The Reflections on Me as a Reader” section of your RNB. DUE MON.

1. I notice I think a lot about ____________________ because . . .

2. I want to push myself to do more  . . .

3. My post-its helped me (didn’t help me) during the discussions because . . .

4. A big thought I have about (the characters, plot, setting, etc.) The Breadwinner is  . . .

5. I learned ______________ by reading The Breadwinner. This made me think . . .

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WNB/Breadwinner fantasy writing

Below is a list of conflicts from The Breadwinner.  There is an example of a way to use each one as an idea for a fantasy story.

Use ONE example below to come up with a fantasy plot summary. (…had to…because…but…so…yay!)  Then write the first page of that story.  DUE WED.

Taliban in charge– example: Strict rulers take over a kingdom

Dad is missing– example: A family member mysteriously disappears

Landmines– example: Dangerous creatures live just below surface of the earth

War– example: Two kingdoms both want to control a mythical land

Parvana dressing like a boy– example: A character must transform to save her family

Women can’t go outside– example: Strict rulers enforce unfair laws over half the population

Formula for fantasy story

1. Please write two more fantasy ideas in your WNB using this formula:

Somebody had to… because… but…so…. yay!!

2. Then choose one of these ideas and do another “Quick Write.” Write at least a page.

Due Monday.

Thanksgiving Piece

Homework for Monday – finish your first draft of the Thanksgiving Piece using the Truman Capote text as a mentor.

Paragraph 1 – Setting – Describe sights, smells and sounds

Imagine . . .

Consider . . .

Paragraph 2 – Character – Describe anything unique about the person’s appearance, including clothes and facial features.  How does the person stand, talk, or laugh?

Examples: “Her eyes glisten as she listens to the story.”

“He moves swiftly, an expert in his tool shop.”

“Her voice, sweet like honey, in my ear.”

Paragraph 3 – Relationship – what is your relationship to this person?  What role do they play in your life?  What makes your relationship special?  Why do you appreciate them?  How have they added to your life.

You can mention yourself in this paragraph.  You can thank this person in the final paragraph.

Example:  “Grandpa, you have always . . .”


Now that many of you are chiefdoms – thousands of people living together and domesticating plants and animals – you are beginning to think about inventing and creating things that will enrich your lives. Read through the list below and decide what types of things your people will begin working on.

You can gain 5-20 extra beans for any of these creations, depending on the quality of what you produce.

**There’s one catch: If you’ve participated in a take-over, you cannot create anything below.  Ancient cultures that participated in war spent much of their leisure time producing weapons and training soldiers.

Art: Create pottery, weavings, paintings, jewelry, etc.

Tools: Research and draw or create a model of a plow, a shaduf, or other tool you have okayed with a teacher

Writing: create a letter/writing system with symbols

Myths: create a story that explains some of your people’s beliefs

Food: find a recipe that uses some of the foods in your area. Make a dish and share with the class. (Check in with a teacher after you find a recipe.)

Number system: Speak with Ana about how to create a number system

Government: make a list of 20 laws that keep your people organized and safe

Map: create a map of the villages/city that your people are living in