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Thanksgiving Piece

Please check your piece using the following checklist:

__  Double-space your piece

__  Add a title and center it

__  Font should be Helvetica or Times New Roman

__  Font should be 12 point

__  Add in the changes you made to your piece today in class

__  Make any other changes that would make your piece SPECTACULAR.

Due Wednesday in AM homeroom. Piece must be printed out by homeroom.

Thanksgiving Piece- paragraph 2

Directions: Paragraph two is mainly a description of the person you’re writing about.  For homework, make a list of qualities that person has.  They can be physical qualities or you can describe qualities of their personality.  See the Capote piece below for other ideas.  Put the list on the next available page of your WNB. DUE Monday.


Directions: Write a draft of paragraph 1.  It should JUST include the setting.  It MUST include details- what could you see? what did it smell like? what sounds could you hear?

Remember, if you don’t remember exact details, create details that feel true to the situation.

Use the Truman Capote piece below as inspiration if you wish.

1         Imagine a morning in late November.  A coming of winter morning more than twenty years ago.  Consider the kitchen of a spreading old house in a country town.  A great black stove is its main feature; but there is also a big round table and a fireplace with two rocking chairs placed in front of it.  Just today the fireplace commenced its seasonal roar.

2         A woman with shorn white hair is standing at the kitchen window.  She is wearing tennis shoes and a shapeless gray sweater over a summery calico dress.  She is small and sprightly, like a bantam hen; but, due to a long youthful illness, her shoulders are pitifully hunched.  Her face is remarkable- not unlike Lincoln’s, craggy like that, and tinted by sun and wind; but it is delicate too, finely boned, and her eyes are sherry-colored and timid.  “Oh my,” she exclaims, her breath smoking the windowpane, “it’s fruitcake weather!”

3         The person to whom she is speaking is myself.  I am seven; she is sixty-something.  We are cousins, very distant ones, and we have lived together- well, as long as I can remember.  Other people inhabit the house, relatives; and though they have power over us, and frequently make us cry, we are not, on the whole, too much aware of them.  We are each other’s best friend.  She calls me Buddy, in memory of a boy who was formerly her best friend.  The other Buddy died in the 1880’s, when she was still a child.  She is still a child.

-Truman Capote

Domesticating Animals

For homework tonight, please tell a parent what you learned about which animals can be domesticated, OR show them the video!

Click here for the Domesticating Animals video.

Then read the “Domesticating Animals” packet.  Practice the PARTNER READING strategy on your own.  The worksheet is due next Tuesday.  See below to review how to do the PARTNER READING strategy:

1. Read one paragraph at a time silently or aloud.

2. Read it again if necessary.

3. Turn the paper over and say everything you remember (either in your mind or aloud).

4. Check the paragraph to see if you missed anything.

5. Move onto the next paragraph, repeating steps 1-4.

Homework Guidelines



  • 5th Grade: 60 minutes + independent reading (1 hour and 30 minutes total of focused homework time.) This includes ALL subject areas.



  • Your homework should be completed neatly
  • Your name & date should appear on all assignments

What do I do if I don’t understand something or am missing materials?

  • Write your teacher a note and let us know exactly what it is you don’t understand
  • Call a friend or Homework Buddy for the assignment



  • Ask your child about what s/he is learning in school
  • Check in to make sure that your child’s homework is completed neatly and legibly
  • Make sure that your child has completed all assignments to the best of his/her ability
  • Ask your child’s teacher if you have questions or need anything clarified
  • Make sure your child has the time and place to do his/her homework
  • Set a routine for homework
  • Make sure your child has the proper materials to complete assignments. These include: lined paper, graph paper, pencils, erasers, a dictionary
  • Make a plan with your child, helping her/him to understand time management
  • Inform your child of upcoming afterschool or evening events that might impact homework time


  • Allow homework to become a source of contention between you and your child
  • Allow your child to stay up past their normal bedtime to complete assignments- we would rather a note from you than an overtired and stressed student the next day!

Circe questions- due Thurs

Read the chapter CIRCE.  Then answer the questions with complete sentences.  Make sure to PROOFREAD.  Type your answers if possible.

1. What was Ulysses’ first clue that there was something unusual about this island?

2. What was the sailors’ first impression of Circe?

3. At the bottom of p. 55, the line reads, “…their minds remained unchanged, and they knew what was happening to them.”  Add some internal writing here.  What do you think the men were thinking or feeling? Add at least 5 lines of internal writing you think the author could have included.

4. Describe Hermes.  Include all of the information the book gives on Hermes.

5. On p.62 Circe explains, “Well- the eyes go last.”  What did she mean?

6. What line or lines tell us that Ulysses is starting to fall in love with Circe?

7. How long do you think Ulysses and his men spent on Circe’s island?

8. Ulysses had to make a difficult decision at the end of this chapter.  He had to decide if he should stay on the island or leave. What would you have done in his place?  Why? What factors would you take into account when making your decision? (A complete answer to this question will be at least 5 sentences.)

WNB ideas!

Below are some prompts that should help you get some ideas for your writing tonight. You may want to discuss the following with a family member.  At least two pages typed or written in your WNB are due Monday.

1. Images you can’t get out of your head. (ex: “the last time I saw my dog”)

2. Smells that bring you back to a certain moment.  (ex: “the hot inside of the car”)

3. Family stories about you.  (ex: “the time I…”)

4. Look over old pictures that bring up memories. Tell a story about the picture!