Ancient Egyptian Artifact
We have been hard at work on our tomb preparations. All of the fifth graders are doing research, creating artifacts and preparing for a role as a tour guide. One of the artifacts will be created at home. Students have a project planning sheets and most of them have directions for completing the artifact. The artifact is due Tuesday, March 8th. Students made a plan in their calendar for completing the project on time. The amount of time spent on this project will vary; some of the projects may need adult assistance.
Below is more information about the day of the tomb. Your child will bring home the sign-up sheet today.
Dear Families,
You are cordially invited to our Ancient Egyptian tomb Thursday, March 17th.
- Tours will be given between 8:30-9:30 and 12:00-12:45.
A tour of both classrooms (tomb in W5, crafts in H5) will take about 30-35 min.
- Costume – If s/he would like, your child can come to school with a costume.
Sandals/flip-flops and white sheets converted into tunics will work as Egyptian garb- Khakis and white shirts can serve as archaeologist gear.
- Flashlight -All students are asked to bring in a working flashlight with batteries
(Label with your child’s name).
- Arrival– Students must arrive at school on Thursday by 8:10.
Also, students do not need to bring backpacks on this day.
- Helpers – We need helpers for set-up on Wednesday after school, Thursday at 2:15 and to assist with makeup Thursday morning at 8:00.
- Costume
- Flashlight
- No backpacks
Thanks so much!
-Heather & Wendy