Body paragraph #1

Use this example to write your first essay paragraph.  DUE WEDS.

THESIS:  In the story, The Circuit, by Francisco Jimenez, Francisco endures many hardships in his life and learns compassion from them.

BODY PARAGRAPH: One hardship Francisco must handle is in the story El Angel de Oro, when his friend Miguelito disappears suddenly. Francisco goes to Miguelito’s home for their playdate to find Miguelito and his family are gone.  Although Francisco is saddened by this, he doesn’t let it get him too down. Francisco & Miguelito had planned to go fishing together that day.  Because Francisco had endured this painful loss, he was more sensitive to the suffering of others. It had been raining heavily that day and many fish ended up stranded in the puddles.  The puddles were drying up and the fish were distressed.  Francisco had been distressed many times in his life and because of this he had a strong desire to save the fish.

**Remember, you are summarizing the section from the book that proves your first piece of evidence.  The black text above tells what happened in the story.  The blue text tells HOW this evidence proves the thesis.  The blue text tells how your opinion of how Francisco feels and thinks about what happened in the chapter.  Your paragraph should be BOTH a summary of what happened and your ideas about how this connects with your thesis.

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