Thesis Statements and Supporting Ideas

Choose 2 more thesis statements and write them on the top of the next 2 available pages of your RNB. Then, using The Circuit, find 3 specific reasons that support your thesis. Put a box around your thesis, then write the 3 pieces of evidence from the book below each of them.  If you need help, refer to the example we did in class.  DUE FRIDAY

Possible thesis sentences:

– Helping others gives Francisco a sense of control in his life.

– Hardships help Francisco learn to be more compassionate towards others.

– The _________ (object) symbolizes __________ in The Circuit.

– The title, The Circuit, refers to the cycle of poverty that Francisco and his family are stuck in.

– Although Francisco seems poor, he is actually quite rich.

– Francisco encounters disappointment and learns to accept his life.

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