A.E. Research- Introduction paragraph

Below are four different types of leads you can use for your intro.   Write three possible leads for your research paragraph.  Choose your favorite lead, type it into your research document, and PRINT OUT ENTIRE REPORT.  Due Monday.

Use 12 point font and double space!

1.   Arresting sentence

The ancient Egyptians had one great wish.  That wish was to live forever.  Egyptians believed that after they died a new life began.  They would live in their tombs as they lived on earth.

2.   Start with an interesting quote

“I see beautiful things!”  exclaimed Howard Carter the moment he opened up King Tut’s tomb for the first time.  Now a famous line in the world of archaeology, Carter’s exclamation came after years of fruitless searching.

3.   Posing a question

Ever wonder how chunks of limestone, granite, and sheer human force could create one of the seven wonders of the world?  Through a combination of organization, invention, and a surplus of materials and time, ancient Egyptians were able to create some of the largest man-made structures in the world that still exist today.

4.   Scene setter #1

Imagine you are a priest in ancient Egypt.  You see assistants bring supplies to the embalmers.  Canopic jars, hooks, and natron lie in wait next to the body.  The mummification process begins.

Scene setter #2

You stand before your subjects, a crook in one hand, a flail in the other. Your royal vizier to your right, the air is heavy with the scent of figs and honey.  Your subjects crowd around you. They see you as half human, half god.  They are waiting for an answer.  You are ten years old- the young Tutankhamen.

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