Weekly Homework Assignments

Reading and recording in the Reader’s Notebook (RNB) is nightly homework. Students are expected to read 30+ minutes every night. The reading can be from the class book (if assigned), or from student’s independent reading book.


This is the homework in general:

Monday homework-

 – Spelling and/or Vocabulary assignment (DUE WED.)

– Study for Spelling/Vocabulary QUIZ FRI.                                                              

– Writer’s Notebook (WNB) assignment (DUE WED.)

– BRING independent reading book for in class reading tomorrow                     

Tuesday homework-

 – Study for spelling test Friday

– Finish spelling (DUE WED.)

– Finish WNB writing assignment (DUE WED.) 

– Social Studies assignment? (DUE FRI.)                                               

Wednesday homework-

– Study for spelling test FRI.

– WNB assignment (DUE MON.)  

– Social Studies? (DUE FRI.)  

– BRING ind. reading book

Thursday homework-  

– Study for spelling quiz tomorrow

– Social Studies? due tomorrow

– BRING independent reading book

Weekend homework – 

– WNB assignment DUE MON.

-Read and record DUE MON.

– Bring ind. reading book

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