First Day at the Farm

We had an eventful first day at the farm. It is hard to believe that we have only been here since this afternoon.

The students spent the day becoming reacquainted with the farm and the animals. We ended the day with a night hike to Thyme Hill, a rousing game of “Ghost in the Graveyard,” and a bonfire.

Right before bed, the students reflected on the fun times. Some students added some “beautiful language” to the discussion.

Mia – I feel like a rock just hit me and I am about to go asleep. During the hike I felt like someone was watching me from the shadows. My favorite moment was going on the night hike  because I got to listen to all the sounds, all the sounds were like really cool music.

Leo – About the night hike: Trees silently grabbing the sky as if it’s trying to pull it down.  My favorite moment was on the bus when we pulled into the farm and seeing all the baby lambs as we arrived.

CC – My favorite moment was seeing all the new baby cows because I didn’t see them last year the names of the moms and dad cows are listed above them.

Luca – My favorite moment was hiking with friends this afternoon and then earlier back at LREI when I realized who my bunkmates were.

Milla – My favorite moment was the night time hike because it was really fun when the whole class was hiking up, it felt cool and then having the silence up at the top. I don’t get to see that in the city.

Gray –  My favorite moment was the night hike because I liked seeing all the stars appearing. The moon’s light is burning through the clouds.

Sophie – The view of the farm from Thyme Hill: The greenhouse glowing up the hill.  My favorite moment was Ghost in the Graveyard. Some people hid in the trash cans and when we heard all the clanking I was like, “Just hide somewhere else.” I wish we could have played it longer. I also liked all the hikes we took today.

Samuel – I liked the maple tea, slipping in the mud, and rolling down Thyme Hill.

Luc – My favorite part of the day was when we were roasting marshmallows and I kept dropping them and then I finally got the perfect golden brown marshmallow.

Zach – My favorite moment was when me, Gray, Leo and Chase were trying to find mysterious creatures from Gray’s book and we think we found one called “ a hide behind.” My other favorite part is that I finally made friends with a cow because last year the cows were all mean to me.

Beckett – My favorite part was when I realized who was in my bunk. Also when we arrived, I really loved the cinnamon buns and the maple tea.

Dash – About the bonfire: Wind whisking away embers of the fire. My favorite moment was playing Ghosts in the Graveyard.

Lily – My favorite moment was for 10, 15, 20 minutes I was petting the cows and talking to them (which sounds really weird). Thoughts while on the night hike: I looked up in the sky and I felt really lonely because it was so big and I didn’t feel everyone around me.

Chase – Even though it’s about to be the next day which I don’t like because it feels like time is going too fast. This day made me feel like I could live forever. My favorite part of the day was seeing the farm because I was so excited to see it again.

Freya – About the bonfire: The embers from the fire fly through the cold winter air and land on the muddy ground. My favorite moment was playing and sliding in the mud and then when Imogen, Lily and I were trying to be spies who blend in by being trees.

Mayer – On the night hike: The gray sky turns to orange as you look down; then as you look farther you see the mountains sticking up from the ground like mosquito bites swelling up. My favorite moment was playing catch with Luca, Oliver and Dash. Playing catch was fun because I don’t get to do it that often.

Imogen – I liked petting the cats because that was really fun and I liked acting like a tree, because I’m really good at blending in. And I also liked dressing up like a unicorn.

Oliver – I liked how weird it looked when the girls were pretending to be spies, it was really confusing at first but then I realized it was really funny. I also really liked the maple tea.

Harlan – I liked petting the cats because they are soft.

Wyeth – I liked jumping on the pogo stick because my mom would never let me do that because she thinks “it’s an accident waiting to happen.” I also like how my whole bunk dressed up like unicorns, because unicorns are awesome.

Jasiri – My favorite parts of the day were the maple tea, playing Ghosts in the Graveyard and being chased by Milla and Samuel.

Our Thoughts on the First Week of School

Welcome to Dan and Tara’s 4th Grade class! Our first week of school was an exciting one, filled with new experiences, community building and getting to know each other again after a long summer. Read on to find out some of the things that surprised, confused and delighted us at the end of our first week.


Jasiri: “I was surprised that we had math as a half group activity and had it at the same time before. Also, I didn’t know that we would have those desks with pockets in them. I like them!”


Samuel: “I was surprised when we had math twice, and I wasn’t expecting to have Lower School Gathering on the first Friday. When I first heard we would be having it I was worried about who would be the MC.”


Leo: “I was surprised that on the first day of school we had these big posters all over the room! Shouldn’t we start with nothing on the walls? I’m surprised that we had all these big things on the third day of school.”


Dash: “I was surprised that we had math and tech mixed in half groups. I did enjoy how things just like, things went straight on continuing from third grade math.”


Imogen: “On the second day of school it felt like the middle of the year. Last year it took a long time to get where it feels like we are.”


Wyeth: “I’m glad that some of my friends are in the class.”


Mia: “I’m happy that a lot of my friends are in the class. And I was kind of freaked out that there weren’t any MC’s for Lower School Gathering and I was really surprised about that.”


Luc: “I’m surprised that math is kind of like a little harder but kind of more interesting than third grade math and I feel like everyone’s being a lot more steady now. Last year our class were the last being called for recess and now we are all getting called at the same time. We are more steady.”


Lily: “I kind of feel like when I think of school, I usually think of this classroom, and sometimes I get mixed up because we were in third grade for so long. I’m kind of already used to this being our classroom.”


Sophie: “My favorite thing about 4th Grade so far is that we get to talk about the presidential election. And it’s weird because like Lily I got used to this classroom really fast. I thought that we would have desks but that’s not until middle school but I like the pockets.”


Freya: “I really like that we have great teachers, and it was nice to give people hugs after the summer.”


Chase: “I was surprised that doing the [greeting] handshake was really hard because it’s really hard not to mess it up.”


Oliver: “I’m really happy that we have such great teachers and I’m happy with all the independent reading we are getting and that math is a lot more challenging.”


Harlan: “I agree with Chase!”


Milla: “I’m glad we get to read a lot, it’s fun and I agree with Oliver.”


Beckett: “At first I was scared to go into Fourth Grade but now I’m really happy that I have such great teachers.”


Luca: “I’m really happy to have a teacher that likes the Mets!”


Mayer: “I feel the same as Luca. And I really like the math we’re doing so far.”


CC: “I’m shocked that we’re talking so much about the election. And I’m happy we have great teachers, I was happy we got 10 minutes on the roof and I like independent reading.”


Gray: I’m kinda surprised that we weren’t the MC’s for Lower School Gathering today and I enjoyed poetry and I’m glad to see my friends.”


Zach: “On the first day of school I felt like I was in kindergarten again because I was in third grade on the fourth floor and then I went back down to the second.”

That’s all for now! We can’t wait to have a wonderful year.