March 17

My Ancient Egyptian Website


This was the headline for my ancient Egyptian website that I coded in d.lab this trimester. This is the link that will take you to the website that I created!

I really like how I described what are the perks and downsides to being a jeweler, but there was one thing that nagged at me. I wasn’t able to create solid paragraphs one the Learn More page–meaning that I wasn’t able to indent them. It may seem like a tiny imperfection, but the truth is, I can be kind of a perfectionist, and I would like to learn how to code indentions into my paragraphs.

I’m supposed to describe “One thing I learned,” but I really can’t do that, because there’s not one simple thing. But then again, if I made a list naming break tags, center tags, close tags, insert picture tags, and much more, it would take me all day. So I’ll simply say that I learned a LOT about coding! I learned about all types of different tags, how to insert images, and all about different sites that you can use for coding. Something that I struggled with was actually putting in an image. This is a specific problem with a certain tag, and although I had problems with other things, as well, I remember how I would forget to put in quotes around the HTML code or something simple like that.

I would love to do this again. I enjoyed everything about it, and even out of school, I would be happy if someone came up to me and said, “Will you code me a website,” randomly, or something similar. It was an amazing experience, and I think if I do it again, my next website will be a lot better, since this was my first time–I will have had more practice.

Overall, it was an incredible time, and I really loved coding my ancient Egyptian tomb website!


November 4

Scratch Coding Game Reflection

I have finished my Scratch coding game in D.lab. It’s basically a dinosaur who has to move up and down to dodge a meteor. If you touch the ball, the dinosaur screams, “Death! Death! Argggh!” and you move into another world. It’s really funny. I think it turned out really well–all of the scenes flow together very smoothly. Something I struggled with was whenever I couldn’t get the sprites to move in the right direction at the right time, but I fixed it soon enough.

Something that I’m proud of is that I managed to actually create a cool game with Scratch! When I first learned about it, it seemed super hard and confusing. I wasn’t even sure what coding was! But now, I love it and I do Scratch all the time at home!

This was a super fun project, and I’m really glad I learned to code with Scratch!



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