Category: Science

Are Humans Following the Rules?

Are Humans Following the Rules?

Explainer: How scientists know Earth is warming

With satellites and ice cores, scientists can calculate the planet’s temperature
NOV 24, 2015 — 7:00 AM EST
ice core
This article is about how scientists know the world is warming. It is also about how the last few years has had warmer weather. It explains how the atmosphere is changing the world. I think this applies too the rule everything is connected because we are causing this and if our world warms up bad stuff could happen. When we knock out one thing in the spider web which is bad, it might destroy the rest of the web. This is not an example of humans following the rules because we are destroying important parts of our life.

Shark Tank Population

We learned that a population has to balance with other populations to survive. In our spaceship we are going to make a protien room in order to have a balance diet. We repersent the sharks because we need to eat the animals, the minnow are the animals they eat the seaweed and the minnow are eaten by the shark, the seaweed are the plants that the animal eats (if there an herbivore.)




My Hydrogen Story

The Hydrogen Story

By: Alfredo


I look around, I don’t see anything, WHOOSH!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh… I see stuff now. I see tons of Hydrogen Atoms. I feel like my face is going to explode just like the Anomaly, (Wait I don’t have a face!) All the energy is in everyone around me, same with the mass! I start to spin, I want to vomit! Some atoms are stopping in clumps, but not ME. I see billions of atoms clumping together I see a big light start to form! Inside the atoms are becoming helium! The star is gynomus! This was called the big bang. This all happened 13.7 billion years ago.

Part 2: I’m small

I look at myself, wow… im ugly. I am made of three different parts, electron proton and neutron. Proton and neutron make the nucleus, and the electron are in the electron cloud. Also the electron go around like a bull charging, actually a lot faster then that. Also my atomic number is one. Out of all the atoms my atomic mass is the smallest.

Part 3: The worst day of my life  

I roll around the galaxy just moving, not apart of anything. I see tons of stars far away from me, just relaxing in space. Gravity is just pulling me around, today was a usual day. I see a few other hydrogens and heliums just hanging out, talking until… I see a supernova about to happen! Every body try to drift away but it’s not possible! We try to get away but we can’t. IT’S THE END FOR US! Nooooo! KA-WHOOSH.. . I go so fast it’s almost as bad as the big bang!A lot of heavier elements are going flying like us! Why star we did nothing to you! OH NO! A bunch of atoms are in a clump over there, if I bump into them I might be a star (wait is it good to be a star?) I’m headed straight toward it,WHOOSH …

Part 3 ½: This day got a little better, I think.

I don’t remember this part too well because I feel like i’m dead, but we hydrogen atoms start to get closer and closer it starts, nuclear fusion next thing I know i’m in a star. Many of thousands maybe millions years later I become another atom, atomic number 22, Titanium! Then I hear a noise that I have not heard in a long time, the ground starts to shake in the star. I know what’s happening, it’s a supernova.  

Part 4: I will miss you star

I hate when this happens. WHOOSH! Not again! This stuff always happens to me. I go so fast through space I almost hit other atoms that are being shot out of the star! Now i’m a heavier element! This supernova is a really big one. Gravity is trying really hard to stop the atoms but they can’t! I start to see a solar system! What if I go on a planet! Wow there sun is not too big, it’s a medium sized star. It looks like i’m headed for a planet that has green and blue on it. It looks like it has one moon. I’m going into the atmosphere, I am going so fast it’s like supernova fast! I’m almost there… KA-WHOOSH I collide with tones of atoms and I go deep under the ground. It looks like i’m part of a little bit of titanium! I’m really tired, (yawn) I might go to sleep

Part 4 ½: Woken

Beep, beep, beep. Ohhhhh, why did you have to wake me up mom. Wait I don’t have a mom! It looks like a truck. A guy comes out of this “truck” with this long beam with points on the end. “Hey guy  what are you doing?” It looks like the guy can’t hear me. He raises the beam it the air and smacks me! OWWWWW!

Part 4 ⅓: moving

The thing was made of Iron or something! He’s trying to kill me! “Look dude I survived from 2 exploding stars guy” “you can’t kill m… BANG! Ow… he split the titanium in half! “Hey guy what the heck?!” “You can’t do that I’m TITANIUM! I’m stronger than you… person“iron”! “I have lived 13.7 billion years, I can’t die now!” (wait I can’t die). “Hey dont pick me up that’s disrespectful to your elders!” “Hey stop that don’t put me in the truck!” (three hours later). That guy was so mean, why did he have to put mt in the trunk of this truck! He hands me to this old guy and he puts me on this stand! He puts a glass tank around me and puts a name tag on the window. I can’t read but the letters are T I T A N I U M. I don’t know what that means but who cares? Hey its the dude again, “you dumb guy come over here and fight me like a man!” … Oh I can’t get through the glass “DANG IT”. I look at the sign on the door and it say “the museum of natural history” it also says “New York City” What’s a new york city?



The Atomic Model

In science we have been studying the atom. I was thinking about saturn, also this was what I thought a atom looked like. Also all the little balls are the energy. Thats what I thought.


I think my model looks most like Niels Bohr Orbit model. The date was 1913. I think mine looks like Bohr’s model because it has the orbit rings. Also mine has the clump in the middle.

Finally now I know about what a atom really looks like so I will tell you the different parts. There are three parts, Electrons, Neutrons, Protons. Neutrons plus Protons equals Nucleus. The Nucleus is the ball in the middle. Also the Electrons spin like crazy around it.