Category: Teacher

Website Comment

Making my tomb website was a lot of fun. When I first started the website, it was little challenging because I didn’t know the code to everything. But, I eventually memorized all the codes. The codes I knew in the beginning were to change the size of the print and to change the color of the print. After I made the website, I feel really confident on making another one. I think my website turned out to be pretty good. I am proud of the hard work I put in to make that website.

The Circuit Essay

Families are the most important aspect of people’s lives. They teach their children about life and to love all their family members. Families are there to help and support each other always, through good times and bad. For example, Francisco’s family helped each other when Torito was very sick, Mama would stay home to take care of Papa, and Roberto got a job to help when Papa couldn’t work. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the children to take care of their parents when they get too old to take care of themselves. In the book The Circuit, by Francisco Jimenez, even though Francisco’s family is going through a hard time they support and help each other.
Francisco’s family helped each other when Torito was very sick. Mama and Papa would go to the hospital every day to see if Torito was getting better. Francisco and his family pray every night for Torito. “After Roberto and I cleaned the dishes, I went outside, behind our tent, and prayed on my knees again.” pg.40 Francisco and his family prayed for a whole year. All they hoped was for Torito to get better. Along with all the praying, and bringing Tortio to the doctor he got better and everything was great.
Another time in the book when Francis’s family supported each other is when Mama would stay home to take care of Papa when he hurt his back. Since Papa couldn’t work with a hurt back Mama would take care of him at home. He couldn’t move his back at all. Mama would also take care of Francisco’s younger siblings. “Mama stayed home to take care of Papa, Rora, and Ruben.” pg.113 Mama would help Papa even though she has to take care of Rora and Ruben. Francisco and his whole family would help Papa because he could barely do anything.
In addition, Roberto got a job to help when Papa couldn’t work. The principal at Roberto and Francisco’s school helped him find a job. Roberto was a janitor at the school. He would give Papa the money he earned everyday. ‘Roberto then handed Papa the money he had earned that day. “I am useless; I can’t work; I can’t feed my family; I can’t even protect you from la migra.”’ Roberto helped Papa when he was going through a hard time with a hurt back. Roberto
In The Circuit, by Francisco Jimenez Francisco’s family help and support each other even though they are going through a hard time. Francisco’s family helped each other when Torito was very sick, Mama would stay home to take care of Papa when he hurt his back, Roberto got a job when Papa couldn’t work. All of these problems taught Francisco’s and his family to take care and support each other.

My Fiction Story: A Big Mess

A Big Mess
By Alexa Leitner

One bright, sunny spring morning, Lily walked to school. The air was crisp and cool, but the sun promised to warm things up soon. Lily’s long, brown curly hair blew in the breeze. She wore a pink t-shirt, black leggings, sneakers and a purple and blue jacket. She also had on sunglasses to stop the sun from hurting her green eyes. As she walked to school, Lily dribbled her basketball while she was walking down the sidewalk near the pond in her neighborhood. When she spied her best friend, Sadie, she called out. “Sadie, wait up!” Sadie stopped to wait for Lily to catch up to her.

Lily and Sadie arrived at school a few minutes later. Then, they went to put their backpacks in their lockers and headed to their first class. The girls had to hurry because the 8:30 bell was already ringing. Mr. Thomas, the science teacher, was just starting when they ran into the classroom. He said,
“You’re late.”
Lily said, “ Sorry Mr. Thomas, I forgot my science book, so
Sadie waited for me. Sadie always waits for me. She’s a great
After finishing science, math and art, they headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, they were so hungry, they couldn’t wait to see what the lunch choices were. Lily said to Sadie, “ look, it’s our favorite hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and french fries.” Sadie asked Lily,
“Can you get me my food because I have to go to the
“Thanks, you’re the best.”
They sat at their usual table with their friends. Most of the kids at their school were really nice, except for this one kid, Axel. Axel was a big BULLY. He was definitely the meanest kid in school. All the kids at the school knew not to talk to or upset Axel. Axel bullied a different kid each day. So far, Lily and Sadie were lucky that Axel hadn’t noticed them. They both thought to themselves, “how long would their luck last?”

The next day Lily and Sadie walked to school together, having a great time until later that afternoon. After their first three classes, they headed to the cafeteria for lunch. Today it was pizza and dessert was brownies. After they got their pizza and brownies, they went to sit at their usual table with their friends. A few minutes later, Axel came up to them and it did not end well.

After Axel came up, Sadie and everyone else left the table except for Lily. Everyone in the cafeteria looked at Lily. Axel started to bully her by taking all of her food. He ate most of it, but not all. Then, he threw the rest in the trash. Also, Axel said to Lily, “stand up.” So she did, but Axel pushed her on the ground. Everyone started laughing at her. Lily was so embarrassed. The rest of the day, other kids kept laughing at her.

A few weeks later, kids were still laughing at Lily. Sadie was eating lunch in the cafeteria watching people call her, “loser Lily.” She was the laughingstock of the whole school along with a bunch of other kids, but she got bullied the worst. Even other kids who got bullied were laughing at her. Also, some of her friends would laugh at her. Later that day, Sadie came up to Lily while she was eating lunch and said,
“How are you doing?”
“I’m fine, I just wish there was a way I could embarrass Axel.”
“Maybe there is. I’ll help.” Sadie thought. I really wanted to be able to help out my friend.
“Ok, great!”

After school Sadie went over to Lily’s house to make a plan to get Axel back. Lily told her parents they were going to her room to do homework. When they got to Lily’s room, they took out a piece of paper and started writing down ideas to get Axel back.

A few hours later Sadie came up with an idea. She said, “We will dump a bucket of hot pink paint on him when he opens his locker. The bucket of paint will be on top of his locker and when he opens it, the bucket will dump on him by a string that is attached to the bucket and the locker door.”
“That is such a good idea. Let’s do it.”

The next day they were ready to dump paint all over Axel. Everything was set up, then Sadie suggested they video it. Axel went over to his locker and was opening it and SPLASH!!! Everyone started laughing at him. It was so funny. Then, Axel started screaming, “Who did this?” Everyone stopped laughing. Sadie and Lily went up to him and said, “We did.”
“I’m so mad at you I could punch you both in the face.” With his hand up in the air ready to punch them. Axel was so angry his face was bright red. Lily and Sadie thought,
“Is he actually going to punch us?”
“If you do, we will post this video of you on the Internet.”
“Fine, I will leave you alone, but only if you don’t post the video
of me.”

Sadie and Lily felt so good about how things turned out. Everyone was cheering their names. (SADIE, LILY, SADIE, LILY, YAY!!!!!!) Axel was so mad at them, he had to do something. So, he thought of a plan on what to do to the girls. Axel thought, Sadie and Lily would never suspect what he was going to do to them because they thought everything was fine between the three of them.

A month later Axel still hadn’t bullied anyone but, he had a huge plan to get Sadie and Lily back. Lily started to become suspicious of Axel. She wondered why he had been missing most of his classes. Lily told Sadie, “I am going to see what Axel is up to.” Their next class was reading, so they asked the teacher if they could go to the bathroom. Instead they followed Axel to the science lab. They wondered why he went in there. Sadie said, “I bet it’s because it has chemicals and building supplies.” They finally knew what his plan was. They would not let him use his trap on them. Sadie and Lily were going to get him back with his own plan. They were going to use Axel’s own plan against him. They said to each other, “Axel has no idea what we are going to do to him.”

After school Sadie went over to Lily’s house to discuss a way to use Axel’s plan against him. Lily said, “Let’s make him stand in the place where he was going to have us stand.”
“How are we going to do that?”
“We’ll make him very mad so he’ll start to walk toward us. When
he walks towards us, the trap will be set in front of us. So, when
he walks towards us, he’ll walk right into the trap.” As Lily said
that, Sadie started typing the plan on Lily’s brand new computer
in her warm, blue room.
“Ok, I like it.”

The next day Sadie and Lily asked the teacher if they could go to the bathroom. Instead they followed Axel to the science lab. Axel was still using the same plan so, Sadie and Lily still were going to use their plan. They were going to have sweet revenge on Axel. The whole school would be cheering their names. They would never forget it.

The next day Sadie and Lily were ready to embarrass Axel. Axel thought he was going to embarrass them, but he was one hundred percent wrong. Axel’s trap was ready and so was Sadie’s and Lily’s. They went to the bathroom before class to discuss their plan. They agreed and were ready for the best day of their life.

After science they headed to the cafeteria. It was macaroni and cheese and popsicles for lunch. They ate their food really fast because they needed to get ready to get Axel back. While they were running to get ready, Sadie said, “Oh no, I forgot I have a dance recital at one fifteen. What am I going to do? It’s twelve thirty.”
“Axel always finishes lunch early and so do we, so he’ll be out in
about fifteen minutes.”
“Ok, that will give me about five minutes to get there and twenty minutes to get ready.”
“See everything will be fine.”

Fifteen minutes later Axel came out and saw them. He walked over thinking about how happy he would be when he got Sadie and Lily back. Then he said, “I’m sorry for what I did to you and so will you forgive me if I give you a box of chocolates? They’re just in my locker.”
Lily said, “No, you were so mean to me, I’ll never forgive you.”
Then, Sadie said, “Yeah, that’s right butt head.”
“What did you just say to me?” he said as he walked over toward Sadie. Lily started looking down at the trap which was right in front of her. Then Sadie said,
“You are a stupid jerk.”
“You are a jerk calling me a jerk.”
“Am I? Am I really?” Axel walked to Sadie while she was getting up to run away. As he walked toward Sadie, he stepped in the trap and up he went.

Axel was dangling from a rope next to a locker. Also he was next to the air vent and a wall so, we put the air on and he started banging into the wall above a locker. Everyone started saying, “Lily, Sadie, Lily, Sadie, Lily, Sadie.”

Axel was not at their school anymore. He got expelled because Lily and Sadie told the principal how he’s bullied all the kids these past few years. Lily and Sadie did get in trouble for their prank on Axel, but they became the most popular kids in school. They sit at the best lunch table. The lunch ladies bring them food. Lily and Sadie had a great school year and they hope to have another one next year.

Egyptian Tomb Website

I really liked coding my website. I thought it was really fun. Something I learned is how to code but I mostly learned how to make colors different, put pictures in and to make letters different sizes. I struggled with resizing the pictures but then I figured it out. I would code another website like that one. Making that website was so much fun. I can’t wait to code another website.

French Activities

In french we learned days, months, colors, numbers to 100, food items, cognates, and pronunciation. We also watched videos, did worksheets, learned songs, practiced saying vocabulary, played games, did Halloween projects, and played bingo. My favorite activities were bingo, watching videos, and Halloween projects. I loved bingo because I was learning how to say numbers while I was playing bingo. I also liked watching the videos because they were funny and I was learning while laughing. I thought the Halloween project was so much fun and I learned colors and adjectives. French was screpe_sweeto much fun.6946220-3x2-940x627

My Atomic Model


In science class we have been learning about atoms. Our class made models of atoms. I made an atom on a website called tinkercad. My atom looked like Neils Bohr model that he made in 1913. The one thing on my model that know one had are the ovals around my model.

After studying atoms in science, I learned that the Nucleus has protons and neutrons in it and around is the electron cloud. The electron cloud has electrons in it. A couple of days ago my class made models of atoms with partners. My model was made out of legos. There were five protons and fine neutrons. I thought my model looked pretty cool. I learned a lot in science.