Category: Hahn

Initiative Learning Habit #2

Over the last 2 weeks I showed Initiative by raising my hand more and trying harder to join in on the discussion. By thinking about it more I actually raised my hand and talked more in class. One problem that I’m having is taking advantage of work time at home. Sometimes I might have reading HW or an ongoing project that I need to work on and instead of using spare time to work on it, I decide to be lazy and do something else. To get better at this I will try to check connect more to remind myself of HW and to encourage myself to do it.


The learning habit that I chose is Initiative. I chose initiative because It is very important to take initiative in class and in your outside life. Taking initiative in class makes lets you question more and understand topics better. Having initiative means you take more risks which can result in having better things. Sometimes I have trouble remembering to raise my hand and I end up getting lost or confused. Sometimes in Math or science when I know the answers I won’t say anything because i’m too lazy or I think someone else will say it before me. I could improve on this by reminding myself more often to take initiative in class, which will help me,  not only in class but also in life…