February 24

Cyber security by Sophia

I think Cyber Security is a problem and it is right that Apple will not make a skeleton key. And the police should be trying to STOP Cyber Security not trying to lead it on. Because if you get a free pass to all the ice cream stores in the entire world and you say that  you will only use it for Baskin Robbins won’t you want to go to grom next and then somewhere else then somewhere else. Even though they are the police. We shouldn’t trust them. Because if they say they will only break into one person’s phone and you see someone you think is suspicious you can just say “give me your phone” and open it and see everything. and if they are innocent it makes the whole thing pointless if you take an innocent person’s phone and see everything on there. they could find out where they live where they go. And if the police loses a phone that they opened up and someone bad finds it, you and the police are in big truble. So I totally agree with apple that they should NOT make a Skeleton key and that the police are Stupid to ask them to do that. And I think the other companies agree with that, and for there own sake not Apples. They think it will spread like a virous and they will have to make a skeleton key and their customers won’t trust the componies and they won’t buy their products, then bye bye company. So I agree with apple all they way, NO SKELETON KEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 27

Gun violence By Sophia

I agree with everything president Obama said about gun violence. If they have finger-print memory on iPhone’s why not on guns? Gun violence really should stop. Imagine if your sibling or parent got killed, or you. So far THIS YEAR 871 have died. Also umber of Children (age 0-11) Killed and/or injured This year is 30 and Number of Teens (age 12-17) killed and/or injured is 177. Think about it we haven’t even gotten through the first month and the total number of incidents this year is 3,421. This really has to stop and like I said if there is a lock on your iPhone with your finger why can’t you do that with a gun?! There have been 171 accidents with guns. There has already been 8 mas shootings.

imgresI have got my  information from this link


Thanks for reading this and please help out in our community, and try and do something to stop gun violence in our world. Remember 817 people have died this year 2016! Thanks for reading this


November 4

Human Computer

Sup Peeps, In d.lab Claire turned us all into computers the system went like this The users (the people who use the computers) would send a order to the peripherals (the mouse and keys) who would send it to the bios (the thing that said stop to the not important things) who gave to the cpu (who I for get what they do) who gave it to hard drive (the brain) who gave it to the ram (the random access memory) and then they did it all over again in reverse. I was a peripheral and after a while I was a user. It was really fun and I learned a lot about computer.

November 4

Sophia Font

Hi world, In Art I made my own computer  font. It was really hard but fun at the same time and in d.lab we uploaded them onto the computer. It looks a little sloppy and it is a little cut off. There is a theme and it is called “The demented pop-corn-font” and that is the name of it too.


October 1

Middle school

Middle School is GREAT!!! I really like having more freedom and moving from class to class on our own. Its really fun! Though I don’t really like Lunch, the food and the time, I always come home STARVING! I mean the food is not terrible (and even if it was I wouldn’t want to offend the cook.) I really like the classes and the teachers I haven’t found a teacher I don’t like, yet. and all in all I’m looking forward to a great first year in Middle school.LREI-Little-Red-School-House-Elisabeth-Irwin-High-School--SKpGAr

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