November 12

Eye Drawing

when this picture was taken, I had just finished drawing the reflections of the eye lashes in the eye. I had already worked on my iris but when I finished the lashes I went back to the iris to add more detail. After I finished the iris I out lined my eye in a darker color, then I darkened the reflections of the window in my eye. After that I shaded the inside of my eye and then started shading the skin. While I was doing this I continued to go back to my iris and make small changes. Now I am working on the actual eye lashes, not the reflections, and when I finish those I’ll be done with the project. I am very happy with where I am now in my drawing, the only thing I would change is the detail, I would like to add more to make it look like my eye.

April 3

Spring break

This spring break I went to Florida for the first week. We didn’t do anything interesting there except swim and sleep but there were some highlights. There was an alligator, living in our pond at the condo we were renting and that was pretty cool. Every day we would wake up and look for him because every day he would move. My uncle who lives in Canada came down from Canada for a couple of days, and that was nice because we never see him. He spent a lot of time with my Dad because they never see each other. And also when we got back to New York, I went up to Connecticut with Farin and Lucia. It was only for a couple of days but it was still really fun. We spent a lot of time decorating  my tree house that me and my brother Matt had made a while ago. We spent a whole day working together and making it look really cool. we added chairs, a table, blankets and some other random things we found. We used a lot of candles, not real ones though; we also had some solar powered ones, but they didn’t work. It was really fun working with my close friends, we did so many random things. And every day after a long day’s work, we would sit down and watch the hobbit together. we watched all the movies in a day; it was really awesome!

October 24

Ropes Course Thesis

Ashokan Ropes Course     

The rope course at Ashokan was the best part because it was entertaining, easy and one of the few fun parts of the trip.

The ropes course was the best part of Ashokan because I thought it was entertaining.The ropes course is a series of ropes that are all tied up to trees that get higher and higher until you need to use a zip line to get off of the course. The ropes course was entertaining because it was challenging for some people and if they messed up and fell and just hung there waiting for something to happen and it was very entertaining. It was also entertaining because during some parts of the ropes course some people would come up with creative ideas to get across the course. Some people just sat in their harness and pulled themselves along. It was a great way, and it was also really entertaining and made everyone laugh. In class we talked about Ashokan, and we talked about what we like there. A lot people talked about how they liked the ropes course, the said it was fun and entertaining to do. And it was also entertaining to do the ropes course not just watch, the zip line made it feel like you were flying, and everyone wants to fly. Everyone wants the sensation of gliding along the air, and you get to do that on the ropes course. Even some people who are afraid of heights said they enjoyed it. The ropes course was extremely enjoyable and entertaining and that was indeed the best part. And an important factor that contributed to the ropes course being awesome is that it was so entertaining, but it was also very easy as well.


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May 18

Verbs In French

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In this assignment we were supposed to make sentences with infinitive verbs in french. We  Had a picture and the verb and we were supposed to conjugate them to make a sentence and add a little extra detail like this, Il a mangé la nourriture, He ate food is the translation. The patterns that I have learned from this is that all the endings of the regular and conjugated verbs all something that has the letter “E” in it like, ez, es and ent. this works for all of them except for Nous which ends in “ONS”.  Like I listed before, these are the endings of the conjugated verbs: Je=E, Tu=Es Il/Elle=Es, Nous=Ons, Vous=Ez and Ils/Elles=Ent. My favorite part of this project was making up crazy sentences based on pictures.

April 24

You are everything

Everything is connected.

To everything else.

This will relate to a spaceship rule in a space ship manual that belongs on a space ship that will be flown into space. This rule is everything is connected (to everything else).  Think of your self next to a garden, or a lake; you are standing next to a small plant. You help that plant live, you feed it, and it feeds you. A plant feeds of water and sun light, and we all know that; but it also feeds off of the carbon dioxide the we produce when we ex-hail. And we happen to live off of the oxygen that the plant releases when the plant recivses the carbon dioxide. So you live off of each other; that little plant is your brother or sister. So next time you see a little plant don’t crush it. It’s family.

February 24

Cyber security by Sophia

I think Cyber Security is a problem and it is right that Apple will not make a skeleton key. And the police should be trying to STOP Cyber Security not trying to lead it on. Because if you get a free pass to all the ice cream stores in the entire world and you say that  you will only use it for Baskin Robbins won’t you want to go to grom next and then somewhere else then somewhere else. Even though they are the police. We shouldn’t trust them. Because if they say they will only break into one person’s phone and you see someone you think is suspicious you can just say “give me your phone” and open it and see everything. and if they are innocent it makes the whole thing pointless if you take an innocent person’s phone and see everything on there. they could find out where they live where they go. And if the police loses a phone that they opened up and someone bad finds it, you and the police are in big truble. So I totally agree with apple that they should NOT make a Skeleton key and that the police are Stupid to ask them to do that. And I think the other companies agree with that, and for there own sake not Apples. They think it will spread like a virous and they will have to make a skeleton key and their customers won’t trust the componies and they won’t buy their products, then bye bye company. So I agree with apple all they way, NO SKELETON KEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 27

Gun violence By Sophia

I agree with everything president Obama said about gun violence. If they have finger-print memory on iPhone’s why not on guns? Gun violence really should stop. Imagine if your sibling or parent got killed, or you. So far THIS YEAR 871 have died. Also umber of Children (age 0-11) Killed and/or injured This year is 30 and Number of Teens (age 12-17) killed and/or injured is 177. Think about it we haven’t even gotten through the first month and the total number of incidents this year is 3,421. This really has to stop and like I said if there is a lock on your iPhone with your finger why can’t you do that with a gun?! There have been 171 accidents with guns. There has already been 8 mas shootings.

imgresI have got my  information from this link

Thanks for reading this and please help out in our community, and try and do something to stop gun violence in our world. Remember 817 people have died this year 2016! Thanks for reading this