June 14


The only four homes I have ever known are the ones farthest away, they belong in separate places. Four homes that no one can ever take from me. These are Places that I might live in but I might not, sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. They are everywhere spread across the country and maybe in another.  they just feel natural to me when I’m there.


I’m starting with the one that is not that special, the one everyone knows about. It is literally what you would call a home where you live, but is only one of four for me. It lives on a loud noisy road were the doorman’s tricks to surprise you never stop, But this is only the holder of my home it supports it. My real home is on the eighth floor. It lives in a average New York apartment, Not to big but not that small either. My home is not the apartment but a room with Harry Potter stickers and a bed in lime green covers. It’s teal blue walls surround you when you sleep, the bed with piles upon piles of pillows and stuffed animals. Everything in this room is my home.


We have three more places to visit, so let’s hop in a car and drive to my next home out in Connecticut where all the flowers bloom late. Let’s drive to a big twelve acre property with a charming white house and a big red barn. There are cherry blossom trees in the back yard, a fort in the middle of the woods that me and my friend made. We have a rock that looks like the one from the lion king and we have a graveyard for all my dead beloved pets. This whole place is my home. The poorly painted tree house took a week to build in the hot summer with only me and my brother. We have camp fires there and I met someone who lives three houses down and is now my best friend. The interior is just as great; and my bedroom there is one of the biggest rooms in the house. We have a bathtub with jets, and once me and Clarissa were wearing bathing suits, and we took a huge bubble bath were most of the bubbles got on the floor. We swallowed quite a bit of bubbles. It felt like someone had shoved some very bubbly drinks down the back of our throats. We had our first christmas there this year so it’s fairly new but it’s still very much my home. With all the nature and wildlife swarming in on me like a buzz of bees how could it not be my Home?


Don’t forget I still have two more, so let’s go down back towards New York state. But not into the city; stop short and turn into Larchmont and cross the red bridge that is actually white. Go along to Fourteen Prior Lane. He is a big yellow house sitting on a small hill that slopes down behind him. He is old and four flights tall,  including his cavernous basement with a different room behind every twist and turn. His eleven bedrooms on the floors used to home my mother and her seven sisters and brothers. Not to mention all the animals the lived in my old friend, all the raccoons, cats, dogs, canada geese, swans, and other crazy things all gathered into my big yellow friend. He lived next to the big lake the one that the red/white bridge went over and we often went fishing in there, with the best dog ever. Mosus; he was a yellow labrador, I have many memories of him. Once me and my Dad were  fishing, and big old Mossie wanted to come with us. He was walking along the cement wall that was the end of the property and was on the water. It was almost low tide so there was a good ten feet between the wall and the water. But as my and my Dad rode away in our little fishing boat, we heard the sound of claws scraping gravel. We saw his body soaring across the water, he landed in the boat, but almost on top of my dad. I started to scream and my dad exclaimed “You crazy dog you nearly killed me!!!” I have so many memories of him when lived in my in my big old friend. So many memories happened in this big old house that make him my most homey home and that’s why I love it so much. But some other people live in him now, some small dutch family that will make him a different home, but he will always be one of my homes and will always be part of me.


The last home is not really a home but in a way it is. My brothers are there and I go every summer. Nova Scotia is my last home. She is a very pretty part of Canada and inside of her is the mini and more real home. The small town of wolfville is the actual home put it’s part of Nova Scotia and it’s so pretty that I’ll let is slip. It has everything from a little market with budgies on show to a red sand beach with hundred feet cliffs. This is my biggest home of all.


Well you have heard of them all now, they are by homes, my happiness. They are    I am me when i’m home. All of them wrap around me keeping me warm and safe from cold. Cold is fine too, sometimes they are cold when I want them to be.

May 18

Verbs In French

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In this assignment we were supposed to make sentences with infinitive verbs in french. We  Had a picture and the verb and we were supposed to conjugate them to make a sentence and add a little extra detail like this, Il a mangé la nourriture, He ate food is the translation. The patterns that I have learned from this is that all the endings of the regular and conjugated verbs all something that has the letter “E” in it like, ez, es and ent. this works for all of them except for Nous which ends in “ONS”.  Like I listed before, these are the endings of the conjugated verbs: Je=E, Tu=Es Il/Elle=Es, Nous=Ons, Vous=Ez and Ils/Elles=Ent. My favorite part of this project was making up crazy sentences based on pictures.

April 25

Exit Polling

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When I went Exit Polling, I learned that some people are Very private. Some people are happy to share who they voted for; and some people are really angry when you don’t have climate change on your list. When I was exit polling some other people were with me. For instance Juno. We stuck together most of the time, and when we were not polling we stood next to each other because we are both rather shy. I did not only poll, I also was a data collector. I took the polls and wrote them down on a sheet and sent the sheet to the data processors every 15 minutes. In all the Exit Polling was super fun and I enjoyed in a lot. And we were right When we guessed Hillary would win. The pics above are the candidates who won.

Category: Math | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 7

Math adding and subtracting fractions

This is a picture of me adding fractions. I think that adding and subtracting fractions is an area of strength for me. I think that because I am quick at it and almost always get it right when I add them which is a very rare thing to say i’m actually good at math. But I really like adding and subtracting fractions I like the strategy i use too Maeve taught me it is called the bow tie trick.


April 6


Sophia Ushabti

This is a ushabti that I made.(shawbity is how you pronounce it)

I made him in art. Ancient egyptians used ushabtis in the afterlife to do work for them king tutt had one for every day of the year. when I made this ushabti it was not that difficult. I just use some pictures like this one here. This one is more professional but they look similar enough. Making the ushabti was really fun and really easy, he only took me one class to make if you don’t count glazing it. ushabtis were like little pharaohs with whips and like I said before pharaohs the had them in their tombs in the afterlife isn’t that cool. 10660572_1

Category: Art | LEAVE A COMMENT