Respiratory system (With Polly)
The respiratory system takes oxygen in, and gets carbon dioxide out of the body. It also transports air to the blood. We have discovered that the respiratory system works VERY closely with the circulatory system, and that the lungs are enclosed in a pair of tough pleural membranes. We wonder, if someone has a blood clot, will it stop oxygen flow within the circulatory system? Would would it cause them to have trouble breathing or stop breathing? What happens if air gets into the bloodstream.
<iframe src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href=”″>group3</a> from <a href=””>LREI</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>
Spring break
This spring break I went to Florida for the first week. We didn’t do anything interesting there except swim and sleep but there were some highlights. There was an alligator, living in our pond at the condo we were renting and that was pretty cool. Every day we would wake up and look for him because every day he would move. My uncle who lives in Canada came down from Canada for a couple of days, and that was nice because we never see him. He spent a lot of time with my Dad because they never see each other. And also when we got back to New York, I went up to Connecticut with Farin and Lucia. It was only for a couple of days but it was still really fun. We spent a lot of time decorating my tree house that me and my brother Matt had made a while ago. We spent a whole day working together and making it look really cool. we added chairs, a table, blankets and some other random things we found. We used a lot of candles, not real ones though; we also had some solar powered ones, but they didn’t work. It was really fun working with my close friends, we did so many random things. And every day after a long day’s work, we would sit down and watch the hobbit together. we watched all the movies in a day; it was really awesome!