Lucky the two faced cow
two headed animals keep appearing more and more. There are sharks with two heads that are appearing, and so far no scientist has figured out why they keep appearing. A lot of different studies on sharks have shown two headed embryos, or conjoined twin embryos. While raising sharks for human-health research in the laboratory, a team noticed the unusual embryo in a see-through shark egg. But I want to talk about another two headed animal, she is called Lucky. Lucky is a cow calf, she is 44 days old and the longest of her species to last this long with the mutation. The calf, known as Lucky, lives on a farm in Campbellsville, Kentucky Lucky’s lucky Owners are Brandy and Stan McCubbin, they say that they treat her like a baby. But what if someday there is a human baby with two heads, with the same mutation. What would happen to them?