January 27

Gun violence By Sophia

I agree with everything president Obama said about gun violence. If they have finger-print memory on iPhone’s why not on guns? Gun violence really should stop. Imagine if your sibling or parent got killed, or you. So far THIS YEAR 871 have died. Also umber of Children (age 0-11) Killed and/or injured This year is 30 and Number of Teens (age 12-17) killed and/or injured is 177. Think about it we haven’t even gotten through the first month and the total number of incidents this year is 3,421. This really has to stop and like I said if there is a lock on your iPhone with your finger why can’t you do that with a gun?! There have been 171 accidents with guns. There has already been 8 mas shootings.

imgresI have got my  information from this link


Thanks for reading this and please help out in our community, and try and do something to stop gun violence in our world. Remember 817 people have died this year 2016! Thanks for reading this


January 21

Art Post by sophia

In art I made a Zoetrope. It is a type of animation where you draw something then draw that same thing again moved a little or a little different with an extra line or something to make it look like it moved. You draw your zoetrope on a long sheet of paper with boxes. And when you are done drawing it you put it on a circle thing with a string attached to it so it hangs. And when your done with that you spin the zoetrope in looks like it’s moving. When I made a zoetrope I learned that it gets annoying to draw like that. It took me 3 hours to do mine. Here is a picture of my workPhoto on 1-21-16 at 2.27 PM