Zoetrope art post

This is a picture of my Zoetrope. It is drawings that go around in a circle. I learned how to use pencil techniques. It is hard but I am trying. This is some of my best work but some of it is not. I rushed through it a little but I was focused on most of the parts. It was really fun making that zoetrope.  Photo on 1-21-16 at 12.49 PM #2

Math Post

 I am proud of the work I put into this quiz. I spent a lot of time on it. I got most of the problems right. I was challenged by the top one on the second paper. It was hard because it was asking me a problem that was not clear. Also the solution was a lot of writing. If I got one number wrong it would mess up the whole answer. If I had more time, I think a quicker way of doing the problem would be using prime factorization. I have improved on prime factorization. I am proud of my improvement in math. I got a two on clarity for my first quiz, and now I got a three. So that is great. Something that I still need to work on is my common factors and multiples. Instead of adding numbers together over and over again, now I can use factors. I think with a little more practice I can be awesome at math.Photo on 2015-12-07 at 18.03 #2 Photo on 2015-12-07 at 18.03

Ashokan trip

This picture is when I was walking by all this pretty plants and water. I thought this would be a good picture to take so I asked a teacher to take it. This picture is were we were walking down to the rec field to play before lunch it is a giant hill so it was beautiful walking down it.

Build an atom

Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 9.12.10 AM

Parts of an atom are electrons,protons and neutrons. How they are arranged is random they can cluster together to make an galaxy or a star. Some of the atoms just go off on their own and not cluster with any other atoms. So they are called an atom. What atoms do is they help space to have planets and stars and they made us because they made this planet. So that is an atom.


I am proud of this work because it was challenging but I persevered through it. What I was challenged by was the first problem. It was find an equation that equals 30,00 to 40,00  and we only had 6 numbers to choose from. It was really hard.
Photo on 11-4-15 at 9.44 AMPhoto on 11-4-15 at 9.43 AM #3Photo on 11-4-15 at 9.43 AM #4Photo on 11-4-15 at 9.43 AM #2

Human Computer

This is how the computer works the users – peripherals – Bios – cpu – hard drive – ram-ram- hard drive – cpu – – bios  -peripherals – users. My roles that I had was the ram and the user the user shout out the things we needed to do. The ram organized the pages.

D-lab font

<iframe src=”https://drive.google.com/a/lrei.org/file/d/0B6HkiTaB2twXU0s3X1FWSEI3TXM/preview” width=”640″ height=”480″></iframe>

What I liked about my font is that all my characters have hats on top of there head. How a made it was I made a draft then I put it on nicer paper and did it better then claire put it on the computer. The theme to my font is the top hats on evryones head. My name to my font is HAT!!!

Memory Map

I choose this piece because I worked really hard on it. It was challenging but it was still really fun. The challenge for me was printing out all the pictures and choosing the right one.  I had to do a lot of small details like making the water because if I mess up then I will draw on my islands in the map. The learning habit I focused on for this piece is  perseverance because I really just wanted to do the map. But then it looked really good with the pictures so I actually really wanted to do it. But the pictures were not working. The printer was stuck.  So I persevered through it and it finally worked.

Photo on 11-4-15 at 8.46 AM
This is my memory map


Big Bang

What was accurate about my project is a lot of things did come out of the bib bang. What was inaccurate was it was smaller then an atom to bigger then a galaxy in a tenth of a second.

First Few weeks of school


Big Bang - 500






My favorite part of the year so far is Humanities. I like it because we are watching a video from the big bang to the present day. I am looking forward to our class trip to Ashokan. I am having trouble with my world language. I don;t speak it very well. one goal I have for the year is to be able to speak spanish pretty well.  I enjoy recess. I am learning to play 2 hand football with my friends, and it is really fun. So far I really like 5th grade.