Descriptions Using Adjectives in French
When completing the Halloween assignment in French, I learned mainly about adjectives and where they’re placed in a sentence. In this assignment I learned that BAGS rule – adjectives that always go in front of the noun are an exception, and regular adjectives go after the noun. I also learned more about conjugating verbs, and the different endings of different pronoun agreement for specific verbs. With the verb être (to be) here are the different endings for the pronouns :
Je suis- I am
Tu es- You are
Il/Elle/on est- He is/she is/everybody is (informal)
Nous sommes- We are
Vous êtes- They are
Ils/eElles – They are (masculine)/ They are (feminine)
For the Halloween assignment we had to pick a Halloween picture and then describe it by using adjectives. I had a lot of fun doing this assignment and learned a lot.